Ever go to the grocery store and mull over what you should be buying? This month Kara talks about the staple foods we should always have on deck.
Author - Kara Martin Snyder
Kara Martin Snyder, CHHC is the Owner & Chief Strategist over at vital corps, a health and wellness studio located at the intersection of strategic action and self-care. Kara's not your run of the mill, woo-woo wellness coach, though. Sure, she's got the classroom and professional creds that many health coaches have but she's also got an arsenal of bad-assery stemming from her boardroom, kitchen, and street savvy. Serving whipsmart, Type A, professional women since 2009, Kara deconstructs the broken processes in her clients' lives and together they co-create actionable, manageable steps to creating healthier lives spiked with passion and slathered with joy. Forget frazzled and famished, it's time to get focused and downright fierce... without starvation, deprivation, or tribulation. Visit her little slice of digital Shangri-La at http://vitalcorpswellness.com/ and get on the list to receive exclusive action-stoking and thought-evoking goodness in your inbox.
How do you navigate client dinners or catered events when you need to eat a certain way? I always feel like such a diva about it.
Eating better at work does take a little extra imagination and preparedness, but worth it for your health…and often your financial health. For example, in...
How do you get on an exercise routine when you have a schedule that is constantly changing? Kara tackles this question for a reader.
As food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances are on the rise, it’s a slippery slope from domestic goddess to short order cook.
"I keep waking up at about 3 AM with my mind going crazy. It almost feels like I’m about to have a panic attack. What can I do to stop it?" Here's Sleep 101.
Hey Kara, how can I balance being more present when eating lunch without being totally bored out of my skull? - Angelica
Hi Kara. I really want to start making an effort to be a healthier and, as you would say, a less frazzled woman. If you look out there, there are all sorts of...
Hey Kara,
Where do I start getting healthier without having to do a whole lifestyle makeover? Sincerely, Debbie Daunted
I’m an entrepreneur who LOVES to ski. Except every time I hit the slopes, it eats up most of my day. Then, I end up feeling guilty, stressed-out or trying to...