The acclaimed documentary, “Show Her The Money,” has successfully wrapped its ambitious 100-city grassroots global tour. This...
GIFTD, a New Clothing Gifting App, Raises 535K EUR in Angel Round
Connecticut Technology Council Announces Winners of 19th Annual Women of Innovation Awards
Global Experts Gather for ICHG 2024 to Advance Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Research and Care
It’s a 10® Haircare Celebrates 8th Annual National Love Your Hair Day Awarding $100,000 to Women Entrepreneurs
Category - News Briefs
Female entrepreneur news briefs: Latest acquisitions, revenue, funding and employee announcements for female-founded startups.
The acclaimed documentary, “Show Her The Money,” has successfully wrapped its ambitious 100-city grassroots global tour. This groundbreaking film...
GIFTD, a new clothing gifting app that is set to recirculate unused consumer goods on a large scale, announced raising 535K EUR in an angel round. Among the...
The ceremony honored outstanding women across eight STEM categories.
The 2024 International Colloquium on Hyperemesis Gravidarum (ICHG) takes place November 6-7 in Ventura, CA. The two-day event brings together the world’s...
10 women entrepreneurs will receive $10k each to help fuel the next chapter of their businesses
The JVS Philadelphia Fund for Women (JVS Fund), spearheaded by visionary entrepreneur Judith von Seldeneck, is thrilled to announce the latest recipients of...
WellPact, an FDA-registered healthcare fulfillment partner specializing in custom medical kitting, packaging and logistics, proudly announces its recent...
More than 7,500 people attended the recent 25th annual Texas Conference for Women, where keynote speakers addressed the theme of “Power in Unity...
Operation HOPE announced the launch of the MPOWER Program. The program aims to empower women entrepreneurs to build resilient small businesses in the aftermath...
Alumni of FourthWave's accelerator program have raised over $150 million in venture funding.