communication TwentyFourSeven
Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs Leadership

Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs – Communication TwentyFourSeven

Communication is key to thriving in all areas of life—in your business, in your social circles, in your everyday hustle-and-bustle. It’s all about building upon relationships and speaking more effectively with everyone—from total strangers to dear family members. If you’re ready to learn, listen to “Communication TwentyFourSeven,” hosted by Jennifer Furlong.

What is the podcast about?

The Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast is where we communicate about how we communicate. Host Jennifer Furlong provides easy-to-follow, practical advice on how to become a confident and competent communicator. Because communication impacts all areas of our lives—including personal and professional—Jen interviews a variety of experts in the field to explore a range of communication-related topics. Listen in to learn how managers can better support employees who have been diagnosed with cancer and how romantic couples can improve intimacy and strengthen their relationships.

Why should people listen to it? Who is the podcast for?

Communication is a skill just like any other skill: you have to practice it to get good at it. The Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast is for the person who is looking to become a more confident and competent communicator and wants to create a positive impact in the world around them.

Featured episode – Leveraging LinkedIn for Your Success

LinkedIn is an extremely powerful tool for entrepreneurs and small business owners. We use it to communicate our goals, our vision and our calls to action. We can create a network of supporters and reach out to a deep pool of potential clients. Are we using it as effectively as we could be? That’s why I asked Daniel Alfon to be my guest on the Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast.

Daniel is the author of “Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success” and has trained thousands of people using a simple method he developed to help leaders reach their objectives. How? Well, I can tell you his method does not include cold calling or cold connecting, paying for a premium account or advertising or trying to be someone you’re not.

Listen as Jennifer Furlong and Daniel Alfon discuss how you can leverage LinkedIn to get leads and revenue in an authentic and organic way, by doing what’s smart, not what’s popular.


Jennifer Furlong is the Founder and CEO of Communication TwentyFourSeven, host of the Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast and author of “Mini-Handbook for Jackasses: Communication & Relationships.” She is a communication expert whose passion is helping large and small organizations solve their most difficult communication issues by helping their workforce develop the skills they need to become empowered communicators. Furlong, a TEDx speaker and coach, has created a professional development program informed by her 30 years of experience as a communication specialist and 18 years of experience as a communication professor. Those under her guidance develop more effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills that strengthen personal and professional relationships. Her clients discover their communication strengths, learn to recognize and adapt to others’ communication styles, and become more confident and competent communicators and dynamic public speakers.

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