live nation entertainment on the run tour
live nation entertainment on the run tour
Public Relations

How To Merge Two Strong Brands Into One

Creating acquisitions and mergers is what makes a true entrepreneur thrive. Something innovative brings endless opportunities. Here's how to merge.

Some of today’s brightest entrepreneurs bank on solid mergers

Beyonce and Jay Z have been merging their brands for years. In 2014, they created the On The Run Tour and grossed more than $100 million.
Beyonce and Jay Z have been merging their brands for years. In 2014, they created the On The Run Tour and grossed more than $100 million.

Entrepreneur cannot settle into one success. The need to keep building and seeing their ideas come to fruition is almost always prevalent.  Creating acquisitions and mergers is what makes a true entrepreneur thrive.  If you’ve successfully hit on a brand that is growing and know that a merger or collaboration with another success you have your eye on can take it to a new level, loosen the reigns a tinge and don’t hesitate because someone else will jump on the opportunity just as you envisioned it.

What’s the Plan?

Create a strategy that includes benefits, insight and a plan for both brands.  The strategy should include your current competition, new competition, investors from your brand and the one in mind and possible new investors for the collaboration.  A key ingredient to success is the marketing and PR program that is made up of both traditional and new media, social media, SEO, eBlasts, business profiles and events or expos for the brand to stand out.

Spin some PR into a Merger

A favorite in the PR world is to pick the best publication and TV opportunity for your announcement and offer them an exclusive.  Whether its successful entrepreneur profiles for the “merging” or a trade publication that hits the markets of buyers, make your target a part of your strategy.

Timing is everything!

What is the best time to release this announcement?  Check on lead times for print, let your PR firm pitch the story to a network and then be prepared to let social media, eblast and where you will physically be play a big factor.  You don’t want to be sitting home when the news hits. Plan a party.  Be at a party or event.

Having a great team to assure all is covered in a merge is a necessity.  Include your PR Firm as they will need to have all the facts for a proper launch message that lines up with the mission and brands new success.

AdrienneMazzone2014Adrienne Mazzone, President, TransMedia Group a full service multilingual PR firm.  Mazzone has been published in The Entreprenette Gazzette, COMMPR.Biz and cited in articles that appeared in MEDILL Reports, Examiner.comMillion Dollar PR Advice. Adrienne is Editor for, an active member of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce and Global Trade Chamber Business, Listed in Who’s Who Of American Women, Who’s Who In America, Who’s Who In Finance & Business, Manchester Who’s Who Among Executive and Professional Women “Honors Edition” and tweets frequently from both @adriennemazzone and @transmediagroup and she is also an avid animal lover who seeks a better image for pit bulls!

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