Helicopters are known for their unique ability to hover, take off and land vertically, and move in ways that traditional fixed-wing aircraft cannot operate...
Author - Priscilla Archangel
Priscilla Archangel, Ph.D. is a seasoned leadership consultant, executive coach, author, speaker, and teacher. She has a passion for developing leaders, and motivating individuals and organizations to align their values, behaviors and goals with their purpose. Visit priscillaarchangel.com.
Create unity at work amid diverse perspectives.
Master the art of improvisation and adaptability.
An anchor has a simple purpose on a boat: to stop it from moving. Lower the anchor, and connects the vessel to the seabed, ensuring it stays put. It prevents...
As I sit here writing, I’m staring at my left foot. Several months ago, I injured the tendons in the ball of it. I was walking in a pair of shoes that I...
I’ve become a recent fan of playing the New York Times’ daily puzzles online, and one of my favorites is Connections. Sixteen words are provided, and the goal...
One of the most important roles of leaders is making the tough decisions. The decisions no one else wants to make… But everyone wants you to...
Last weekend, my hometown of Detroit had the honor of hosting the NFL Draft. I subsequently learned that this is a huge marketing event centered around hiring...
My baking skills are marginal at best. I can follow a recipe to bake a loaf of bread, but if it doesn’t rise properly, I likely won’t understand why...
Many years ago, when I was newly appointed as the leader of a large team, I met with them to introduce myself and to learn more about them. And I shared an...