Book of the week prime spark
Book Of The Week Lifestyle

Find Your Spark, Women Over 55: It’s Your Time!

As you get older, you might believe that you are past your prime and that you can no longer find your spark. Dr. Sara Hart’s book “Prime Spark: Women over 55, It’s Our Time!” proves that wrong! It asks valuable questions to help redefine your sense of self and bring back that spark that has been inside you all along.

What is your book about?

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Prime Spark is a workbook with 30 questions divided into six chapters. The questions are designed to help women plan their next steps to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. The questions are relevant for women who are or are not in the workforce.

Topics include:

  1. What’s possible at this time in your life?
  2. What will the journey be like?
  3. Getting support along the way.

Why should people read it? Who is the book for?

The book is for women over 55 (or close) who are feeling or beginning to say, “Is this it? I’m sure I can do more, and I know I want to!” This book will help them figure out where they are, where they want to go and how they can go about getting there.

Single most important takeaway:

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It’s your time! We are not ‘done.’ We are getting better and better!

Meet the author

Dr. Sara Hart is a lifelong advocate for social change and an inspirational, motivating speaker. She is passionate about Prime Spark, an idea that became a movement to change the way our culture sees and treats senior women. Sara founded Hartcom, a consulting company, over 20 years ago, focusing on leadership development, coaching, and team building. She also coaches women who know things need to be different in our society and who value the support of a coach and a like-minded community. She lives in Los Altos, CA with her cat, Mr. Bu.

Looking for more great reads? Check out last week’s book here!

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