The acclaimed documentary, “Show Her The Money,” has successfully wrapped its ambitious 100-city grassroots global tour. This...
GIFTD, a New Clothing Gifting App, Raises 535K EUR in Angel Round
Connecticut Technology Council Announces Winners of 19th Annual Women of Innovation Awards
Global Experts Gather for ICHG 2024 to Advance Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Research and Care
It’s a 10® Haircare Celebrates 8th Annual National Love Your Hair Day Awarding $100,000 to Women Entrepreneurs
Category - News Briefs
Female entrepreneur news briefs: Latest acquisitions, revenue, funding and employee announcements for female-founded startups.
The fund will go to African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs, Grameen America and LISC.
Over 2 million women have been pushed out of the workforce as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. HeyMama, in partnership with Lincoln, Stuart Weitzman and...
The sports culture trailblazer's advisory board of female leaders will help combat attrition and elevate women's sports.
The 2021 Moxie Awards celebrate the outsized contributions of women in the industry.
The first Moms in MFG event will take place virtually on August 12, 2021. Registration is open now on the WiM website.
Diversity In ClimateTech program, powered by Chloe Capital and Cornell University, will support BIPOC and women-led technology companies tackling the world's...
A new survey by the largest early career network Handshake examines gender gaps in the hiring and recruiting of Generation Z.
On May 15, 2021, Lyda Hill Philanthropies IF/THEN Initiative will present #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit at Dallas’ NorthPark Center. #IfThenSheCan –...
The iconic beauty brand kicks off its second year supporting next generation of "Gyrl" Leaders.
The six-month accelerator will prepare 100 female veteran entrepreneurs for sustainability and growth in federal and commercial marketplaces. Applications are...