
Can We Train Our Brain To Forget Our Exs? This Female Founder Is Banking On It

This female founder and college student has invented a new game based on neuroscience to help train our brain to get over our exs.
Can We Train Our Brain To Forget Our Exs? This Female Founder Is Banking On It - Lioness Magazine
photo courtesy of PRNewsFoto/Heartlab Press Inc.

Broken hearts may now be healed with the help of a new game based on neuroscience which helps to train the lovesick to associate their love interest with something negative.

Up to four people can play “Loserface: The Break Up Game” and the goal is to help players form new neural pathways that will allow them to move away from the old habit of yearning for the love they cannot have and to create a picture of a new, more desirable love interest. The game may be played for a breakup, unrequited love or simply the status, “it’s complicated.”

Players build a set of cards, each illustrating something repulsive that they can associate with their former loved one (“Loserface”). They also earn bonus points when collecting “New Hottie” cards that illustrate appealing features such as sweetness, chemistry, sense of humor and passion.

“Loserface may or may not be a real life loser but he or she is definitely a “loserface” for not choosing you,” clarifies the rules book.

Lisa Ariel, a student at University of Toronto, was inspired to create this game after having her heart broken just after taking a course in neuroscience. The game produced by Heartlab Press Inc. is currently available at loserfacegame.com.

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