your first year
Book Of The Week Pre-Startup

Book of the Week – Your First Year: What I Wish I’d Known

Stepping into the world of entrepreneurship can be exhilarating—and overwhelming. There’s no checklist for doing everything perfectly, and the uncertainty might make you want to flee for the hills. But there’s a better answer than giving up or leaping blindly into the unknown. “Your First Year: What I Wish I’d Known” presents an anthology of practical advice from seasoned entrepreneurs who took the plunge before you. The guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to confidently navigate your beginner business venture with confidently.

What is your book about?

Are you a new woman entrepreneur or one who’s waiting in the wings…? Do you want to do things the “right way?” Or worry about making mistakes?

Here’s the truth: there is no one “right way,” and you will make mistakes. But that’s part of growing. The generous and hard-won wisdom shared in this book won’t be a cure-all, but it will reassure you that following your internal GPS is just as (or maybe more) important as getting advice. From legally setting up your business to keeping clean bookkeeping records and effective marketing strategies through thriving through major health and life crises, this book will be your “go-to” guide as you step fully into a CEO role. The women authors in this book want you to succeed. They’re cheering you on as you make an impact in Your First Year… and beyond!

The book is divided into shared wisdom for these categories:

  • Mindset
  • Foundations
  • Marketing
  • Lifestyle
  • Adversity

Why should people read it? Who is the book for?

This anthology is for women who are at the beginning stages of entrepreneurship, considering starting a business or who may be struggling following all kinds of advice that isn’t helpful.

Single most important takeaway:

You don’t have to go it alone when starting your business—in fact, you ought to surround yourself with other women who will support and encourage you to succeed.

Deborah Kevin Headshot Deborah Kevin

Meet the author

Deborah Kevin (pronounced “KEY-vin”), MA, as the founder and chief inspiration officer of Highlander Press, loves helping change-makers tap into and share their stories of healing and truth with impactful books, including her book entitled You’ve Written Your Book. Now What? Kevin, a graduate of Stanford University’s Novel Writing program, earned a master’s degree in publishing from Western Colorado University. She’s trekked over 350 miles of the Camino de Santiago, and she lives in Maryland with the love of her life, Rob, her sons, and their puppy Fergus—that’s when they’re not off discovering the world.

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