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Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs

Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs – Checkbox Other

Checkbox Other” is the podcast for anyone who doesn’t fit into any defined box. In a time when society is so hung up on labels, categories and taking sides, this podcast celebrates those of us who live in the in-between—those of us who don’t fit into predefined categories and don’t just “follow the party line” in our thoughts, actions and work that we do. The magic of sharing our “otherness” is that we become more connected with how we are all, as humans, more the same than we are different. Hear from Nikki Innocent, CEO of Nikki Innocent Coaching, as she guides guests through their distinctive stories.

What is the podcast about?

Checkbox Other, with career coach, women’s leadership expert and DEI strategist Nikki Innocent, is a podcast focused on belonging, authenticity, sharing unheard stories and amplifying often-silenced voices. Each episode features a conversation between Nikki and her guest who discuss how their journey has been shaped by navigating and struggling with belonging. They share a time when they felt other or different, as though they don’t fit into a defined box or category.

Why should people listen to it? Who is the podcast for?

This podcast is for anyone who has felt “other” or different or as though they don’t belong in their lives to feel seen and not alone. Folks who are looking to experience the power of our shared humanity while also dialing into the importance of empathy and authenticity will find a sweet spot in these podcast episodes.

Featured episode – The Power of Public Speaking with Rhonda Khan

Public speaking coach, Rhonda Khan, joins Nikki in today’s episode to talk about the power of activating your voice, moving through fear, and owning the room by sharing your story. Nikki and Rhonda shine a light on the importance of public speaking over the last few years and how the Millennial and Gen Z generations differ in their relationship to public speaking, using their voices and having a platform to be heard and valued. Rhonda discusses the influences of being a speech therapist, speaker, solo actor, performer and playwright on her work within her company, Simply Speech Solutions. Nikki and Rhonda dive deep into the importance of elevating the topics of mental health and neurodiversity in our conversations about diversity and inclusion.

ImagesbyAmberRobinsonRaleighWeddingPhotographerYourVoiceAltSummit2020 74 Team Innocent
Images by Amber Robinson Raleigh Wedding Photographer Your Voice Alt Summit 2020


Nikki Innocent is a career coach, speaker, humanity activist and social entrepreneur focused on women’s leadership and diversity, equity and inclusion. A two-time TEDx speaker, she explores topics of identity, belonging, self-acceptance and breaking free of unnecessary, often oppressive “rules” in life. The experience of feeling “other” is something that is familiar to her as a biracial Black woman, a child of immigrants, an elder Millennial, a tomboy and a creative, non-traditional business person. The traditional molds of success weren’t built with people like Innocent (those that live in the in-between) in mind, so she’s breaking them.

After spending the first decade of her career in corporate America, at top-tier organizations including Bain Capital and Bain & Company, she left with a mission to use what she learned in both her personal and professional life to work toward a more inclusive future centered around belonging. Innocent founded the Inclusive Leadership Collective, which centers modern leadership with an intersectional lens on gender, racial and generational shifts in society and coaches the next generation of fearlessly authentic leaders. She coaches individuals and teams and leads workshops on burnout, imposter syndrome, resilience, privilege and more!

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