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Virtual Vision Board Scavenger Hunt: Create a Visualization of the Life You Want

Follow this simple guide to visualize your goals for the upcoming year.

To get what you want, you need to know what you want. It’s even better when you can see it. Keeping your eye on the prize helps with motivation throughout your goal journey. As you begin a brand new year, go on my Virtual Vision Board Scavenger Hunt. It will help you focus on your big picture goals and your goals for 2022!

Virtual Vision Board Scavenger Hunt

Step 1: Make a list

Name 26 things you want, one for each letter of the alphabet.

Step 2: Choose 10

Go through your list and highlight the 10 items that best represent the future you aspire to achieve. Having trouble narrowing it down? Batch similar items together.

Step 3: Search for pics

For each item on your list, find an image online or take a photo. You can use resources like Pexels, Unsplash or Pixabay.

Step 4: Create a collage

Using your computer graphics program or an online tool like Canva, put your images together. This doesn’t need to be fancy. You just want a composite visual representation.

Step 5: Title your vision board

Choose a motto, theme song or phrase that relates to your aspirations, and add it to the top of your collage.

Next steps

Place your visualization somewhere convenient, where you will look at it often. It could be in your office. Place it on your desk, refrigerator or yoga mat. Set it as the background image on your phone or computer.

Looking at what you want every day puts you in a much better position to make it happen!

What are you planning to put on your vision board? Please share in the comments.

About the author

Goal-setting expert Debra Eckerling is the creator of The DEB Method, a system of goal-setting simplified. She is also the award-winning author of “Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning, and Achieving Your Goals.” A corporate consultant, workshop leader and panel moderator, Eckerling is on a mission to change goal culture in and out of the workplace. She is the host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat, #GoalChatLive on Facebook and LinkedIn and The DEB Show podcast.

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