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Fun ways to kill time in the waiting room

If you ever arrive to your meeting 15 minutes early (as you should), you know what to do with your waiting time immediately comes into question. The bulk of us usually go right to checking the email on our smartphone. But what if this was a few golden minutes of breathing space? The most successful entrepreneurs are those who have figured out how to work smart and steal a little time for enjoyment.

waitIf you ever arrive to your meeting 15 minutes early (as you should), you know what to do with your waiting time immediately comes into question. The bulk of us usually go right to checking the email on our smartphone. But what if this was a few golden minutes of breathing space? The most successful entrepreneurs are those who have figured out how to work smart and steal a little time for enjoyment.

Don’t let this window of opportunity pass you by again. Lioness looks at some fun ways to kill time in the waiting room:


Being a little nosy gives you some downtime and can lead to a little brilliance. Has someone ever said something that reminded you of an item lapsing on your to-do-list or sparked an innovative idea? A little listening can go a long way. Rana Campbell wrote about how eavesdropping can benefit your business. Find people in the waiting room chattering or sit a little closer to the reception desk. Eyes forward, ears open.

Say Hello

There are never enough hours in the day to pick up old conversations with friends. Here is a prime time to send out a few “How have you been” texts to some of your buddies. Even if they don’t get right back to you, at least you dropped a few courtesy “thinking of you hellos” to folks who have been off of your radar.

Clean your contact list

How many times have you said you needed to delete old numbers or update new friends? Here are 15 solid minutes to refresh your contacts. It’s never something we want to do, yet now is a perfect time to do it. That is unless you’re smart enough to join Kloudbook. Then you don’t have to worry about it.

Challenge your waiting neighbor

Challenge the person beside you to a heck of a battle in Connect Four (or any other two-person phone app game you may have). Trust me; they are just as bored as you. It’s a great way to put a smile on a stranger’s lips and make your wait interesting. Unless they decide to run off with your phone. In that case, have your leg prepped to trip them.

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