It’s so easy to get caught up in worrying about what you lack versus remembering the things to be thankful for. Entrepreneurs are constantly fretting about scale, innovation, inventory, customer acquisition, staying ahead of the curve, funding, budgets … this list really could go on and on.
Every now and then, you have to list the things you’re grateful to have in your life. As tough as being an entrepreneur is, you also know it’s pretty great. Here’s a list to glue in your journal, hang on your mirror or share with a fellow entrepreneur when the going gets tough or you just want to spend a moment relishing in what you do have.
Here are 33 things to be thankful for as an entrepreneur:
- I’m thankful for … GETTING SHIT DONE. I’m doing what most people only talk about.
- I’m thankful for … SEIZING POTENTIAL. I didn’t just see the potential in my idea, I seized it and brought it to life. I never have to wonder what if. I’ll always be proud that I did.
- I’m thankful for … YESTERDAY’S FAILURES. I know without a doubt today that stuff that I tried didn’t work. I can focus on finding a new way rather than wasting time on an old solution.
- I’m thankful for … PASSION. It gives my fire fuel when my patience is wearing thin.
- I’m thankful for … FAITH. I have faith in myself, a higher power, in my ability to manifest what sets my soul on fire and in the knowing that all three will work in accord for my greater good.
- I’m thankful for … GROWTH. I realize that in order to grow on this journey, personal growth is required.
- I’m thankful for … RESILIENCE. I’m human. Things get me down but I get right back up.
- I’m thankful for … WALKING MY PATH. I didn’t just take what I was given nor follow what was expected of me. I followed my own path and pursued what made me happy.
- I’m thankful for … GOOD ENERGY. When I catch my good energy vibe, there’s an extra strut in my walk and an inner layer in my forcefield to reflect negativity.
- I’m thankful for … NOT PLAYING PRETEND. I don’t sell myself fairytales about situations that I need to change or decisions I prolong making because I’m afraid. Make-believe is for children. I’m grown and I’m acting like it.
- I’m thankful for … KNOWING MY BOUNDARIES. I’m selective about how I spend my time and with whom.
- I’m thankful for … INTEGRITY. I don’t talk about being honest because it sounds good. I practice it because I value truthfulness.
13. Peace of mind is the number one thing I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving day!
Tamika Bibb, Educational Consultants
- I’m thankful for … RESOURCES. If I ever need help, there are places I can turn to for guidance.
- I’m thankful for … A NEW DAY. Each one grants me the opportunity to start fresh.
- I’m thankful for … ALLIES. Walking alone can be hazardous. I’ve met a lot of people on this journey and I’m grateful for the ones who support me with a listening ear, a kind word, a smile.
- I’m thankful for … THE ABILITY TO DREAM. I understand that many people have been robbed of their ability to simply dream of what can be. I’m thankful that I can still dream and hope I inspire and/or restore the ability for another to do so.
- I’m thankful for … WHO I AM. I am the only one. Therefore, I take care of myself because I’m precious. I’m a one-of-a-kind, limited edition, exclusive version of me.
- I’m thankful for … MY TEAM. Every queen must have a court. I’ve carefully selected the people in my circle and value their opinions, their ability to tell me like it is when I need it and willingness to knuckle up with me when I need help in the fight.
- I’m thankful for … GOALS. Without them, I’m just shooting darts in the dark hoping they land in the right place.

- I’m thankful for … KNOWING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NEEDS AND WANTS. Sometimes what I need to do is not what I want to do. However, taking care of the necessities gets me closer to what I truly want.
- I’m thankful for … SHELTER. Having a roof over my head puts everything in perspective.
- I’m thankful for … MY EXPERIENCES. Everything that I have experienced has set me up for this moment right here.
- I’m thankful for … BOLDNESS. It’s not easy to pursue your dreams with the world watching. If it was, everyone would be doing it.
25. I’m super thankful for the support my business has received thus far.
Kalauna Carter, KolorsbyK Nail Polishes
- I’m thankful for … MINDSET. On the day I decided to do this, I had already made my up mind. It was just waiting for me to take action.
- I’m thankful for … HEALING. The only person responsible for my healing is me. And because of that, I don’t keep people around me who give me new wounds.
- I’m thankful for … IMAGINATION. I spend time thinking about what can be. A realm of possibilities means I am never far from a new win or revenue stream.
- I’m thankful for … THE STRUGGLE. I don’t toss away a good person or opportunity. The struggle of not having either at some point has helped me to understand its value.
- I’m thankful for … LAUGHTER. It can make things as fresh as rain.
- I’m thankful for … FREEDOM. I’m making my own choices and designing the life I want and that should never be taken for granted.
- I’m thankful for … DOING WHAT I LOVE. Entrepreneurship is not easy. I’m figuring it out as I go. I am grateful to do what I love. It makes all the other craziness of running a business worth it.
- I’m thankful for … THE PRESENT. It’s so easy to get worried about tomorrow and stuck in yesterday. I’m thankful for the present. I am in the here and now and appreciate it for what it is before the moment passes.
Working on #33 every day! Nice list!