Did you miss a day or two of news this week? Did you forget some tips you wanted to implement at your startup? It happens. You’re out there trying to rule the world for crying out loud. Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here’s a mashup of all of the Startup News & Advice you should know:
Things To Add To Your To-Do List
- Review your revenue methods. Is any of it even evidence-based? Thom Fox came by this week to talk strategy. Proper strategic planning leads to a better product, customer development and, ultimately, revenue growth. Here’s what you should be thinking about asking your customers.
Things To Meditate On
- We can all use a little pick-me-up and reminder that life is a journey. Over the course of 2015 our staff put together some inspiring thoughts to keep you going. Here’s a highlight of some of our favorite sayings.
- You’ve heard that you should trust your intuition and go with your gut – but what do you do when your intuition completely conflicts with logic and reason? Marie Forleo guides you through the process.
What Your Peers Were Doing This Week
- The first order of business when it comes to helping women succeed is making sure they are stepping out with the right mindset. Dawn Leaks and Natasha Clark released their first e-book, “The Lioness Mindset for Success,” a blueprint of how to get what you want this year.
- Thirty-six startups were accepted into Valley Venture Mentors’ Accelerator program to compete for $250,000 in cash awards. Lioness was announced as one of them, but so were some other women-led startups. Get the complete list.
Last But Not Least (some empowerment).
It’s OK to NOT have it all figured out. So often we’re worried about maintaining the illusion of balance and looking like we have it all together. NO ONE HAS IT ALL TOGETHER. Don’t let guilt keep you from the things you love – like family and friends or extra time working on your product – because you’re worried about what someone else may think or feel. It’s not uncommon for women to feel guilty about pursuing what makes us happy. We can feel like we’re being indulgent and, sometimes, even selfish. You’re a person as well and deserve to do what brings you fulfillment. Prioritize the things in your life and then spend time enjoying them. End of story and unless it’s your spouse or children, no explanation needed.
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