TrekDesk Treadmill Desk 10 sixhundred
TrekDesk Treadmill Desk 10 sixhundred

Trekdesk keeps entrepreneurs moving

Sendentary work has always came with its own form of health risks. From neck and back problems to circulation issues, sitting for most of the day is frowned upon. As author Nilofer Merchant said in her TED Talk, "sitting has become the smoking of our generation.” TrekDesk is hoping the answer to entrepreneurs and professionals facing long days at their computer will be their treadmill desk.

News Brief: Treadmill desk grows in popularity

Trekdesk keeps entrepreneurs moving - Lioness MagazineSendentary work has always came with its own form of health risks. From neck and back problems to circulation issues, sitting for most of the day is frowned upon. As author Nilofer Merchant said in her TED Talk, “sitting has become the smoking of our generation.”

TrekDesk is hoping the answer to entrepreneurs and professionals facing long days at their computer will be their treadmill desk. Since launching in 2008, TrekDesk has been featured on CNN, ABC and NPR. In a released statement last month,  TrekDesk CEO of TrekDesk Steve Bordley said we live in a society that is obsessed with body image and BMI statistics. “The most important number to overall daily health is rarely measured or even talked about during physical exams and that is activity levels. We need greater focus and innovation placed on changing the increasing sedentary infrastructure that surrounds us. That won’t happen until we acknowledge that inactivity is our greatest health challenge today.”

The treadmill desk is designed to fit any existing treadmill. A growing number of companies have been installing them for their employees. Jessica Davies of Panhandle Public Health told the Rapid City Journal , “they recommend employees not exceed 2.5 miles per hour while utilizing the TrekDesk, but they can include an incline for more of a workout.”

Will you purchase one? Let us know what you think about walking while working in the comment section below.

About the author

Natasha Zena

Around age eight Natasha Zena was told it was a woman’s job to take care of the home and since then she has built a career out of telling women they can do whatever the hell they want to do. She is the co-founder of Lioness, the go-to news source for everything female entrepreneur. Natasha was recognized as an emerging leader in digital media by The Poynter Institute and the National Association of Black Journalists. She has mentored women entrepreneurs and moderated panels at a number of national accelerators, Startup Weekends and conferences such as The Lean Startup Conference, the Massachusetts Conference for Women, Women Empower Expo and Smart Cities Connect. Natasha is also the author of the popular whitepaper, "How To Close The Gender Gap In Startup Land By 2021." In her spare time, she writes short fiction and hangs out with her son, Shaun.

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