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Book of the Week – Woman Up!: Overcome the 7 Deadly Sins That Sabotage Your Success

Woman UP! is the go-to resource for women who want to finally get out of their own way and get ahead in their careers. Author Aimee Cohen’s passionate approach is “like combining your best girlfriend and an elite career expert…in a powerful purse-sized package!” Her insights are a product of more than 20 years of experience and a nearly 100 percent success rate helping hundreds of clients.

Each Wednesday Lioness recommends a Book Of The Week to highlight the latest literature to hit the shelves for women entrepreneurs.

Book of the Week - Woman Up!: Overcome the 7 Deadly Sins that Sabotage Your Success - Lioness MagazineWoman UP! is the go-to resource for women who want to finally get out of their own way and get ahead in their careers. Author Aimee Cohen’s passionate approach is “like combining your best girlfriend and an elite career expert…in a powerful purse-sized package!” Her insights are a product of more than 20 years of experience and a nearly 100 percent success rate helping hundreds of clients.

Woman UP! conveys a powerful and practical message that exposes seven self-sabotaging behaviors that keep women from success. Using real-life examples, shared experiences, and Aimee’s own guilty confessions, Woman UP! delivers the sage advice every woman wishes she had at the start of her career: put on your big-girl panties and take control of your career. Come on, girls … It’s time to Woman UP!

For more information on Woman Up and Aimee, click HERE.

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