What is something that makes you fly out of your seat and take action? I don’t know about you but it is that thing which speaks to the fire and truth in me. I can’t deny it. I must feed it. I poke it and I must chase it until I seize it.
The work we do here at Lioness is much like that for me. I come alive each day when I am contacted by women from around the world telling us their story, sharing their ideas, their struggles and their wins. There is an energy that circulates around entrepreneurs. If it was visible to the eye I imagine it would resemble the glow Leroy had in the film “The Last Dragon” when he realized he had everything he needed to be a master right inside of him all along.
Whatever it is that gets you glowing, that is the message you need to spread like wildfire. Get focused and strategic about your nonprofit’s mission, your startup, your cause – your life! Messages become movements because others have found someone to boldly lead the way about something they also care about. Your target audience will let you lead them when they believe you’re sincere, what you’re offering indeed solves their problems, it’s of quality and it makes them feel good.
I loved that during her Lioness interview Susan Packard said, “Truly I didn’t know six or seven years ago that today I would be a writer, a speaker, and a mentor to women. I had done these things under the banner of my workplace, but I found, when I left HGTV, that I really loved all of them, and so now I get to do them full time.” It’s a blessing to discover what brings us joy in life and it’s a powerful thing when a woman decides to do those things for herself and on her own terms.
I hit a mini media blitz this month with the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts to discuss their program, LIPPI (Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact), and it was a great reminder of the importance of coming into your own. LIPPI was one of the first leadership programs I was ever a part of and it was a safe space for women to learn about politics, consider running for office and embrace our own ideas about government and policies. It’s easy to spit soundbites on our sofas to our friends, but sharing our views and standing behind them on a public platform isn’t easy. It was also a great opportunity for me to learn how to interact with people who had opposing views. And then it gave me that other subtle challenge – why take a leadership program and not attempt to lead? Shit. I would have to put my money where my mouth was – so I laced up my sneakers (metaphorically) and began to get more involved in my community. I encourage you to take your positive entrepreneurial passions and share them with the universe.
Stop Procrastinating And Spread Your Message Like Wildfire
Don’t worry about what others will think, if you’re too tall, too fat, tend to stutter, not an expert, don’t have enough education or that your network is too small. Just start a conversation and then find others who also love the topic and keep talking and talking. Don’t wait for someone to give you a platform or microphone. Don’t ask for permission. DO IT. Better yet – TAKE IT. What’s the worst someone can say? “You know, Jessica? Can you believe she’s out there trying to do something she believes in? What an idiot!”
Yeah, that made me laugh, too. Now get your ass out there and be freaking AMAZING.
Until next time –
Unleash the Lioness Within,
Natasha ♥
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