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Revving Up Our Entrepreneurial Engines

Katelyn Gendron revisits the women we feature this month who are out in startup land revving up their entrepreneurial engines.
Revving Up Our Entrepreneurial Engines - Lioness Magazine
Lioness Editor-in-Chief Katelyn Gendron

Fall is officially upon us but that doesn’t mean that we’re preparing for hibernation, we’re actually revving up here at Lioness Magazine. Sure, we have about five minutes to catch our breath after putting to bed a monthly issue before we begin the next month’s but when you’re working with such extraordinary women such as Allyson Downey, the subject of our October cover story, it never seems like work.

Downey, cofounder and CEO of weeSpring, an online forum for expecting and new parents, has created the “Yelp of baby products,” according to InStyle Magazine, and we’d have to agree! The 3-year-old startup was born out of an overwhelming trip to Babies R Us before the birth of her son, and has quickly become the go-to place for product reviews, forums and most recently a new registry function.

If being a wife, mother of two and entrepreneur weren’t enough, Downey also penned a book this year, “Here’s the Plan. Your practical, tactical guide to advancing your career through pregnancy and parenthood.” The book, which compiles her knowledge and that of her interview subjects, creates a roadmap for working moms on subjects pertaining to pregnancy discrimination, maternity leave preparation, backup caregiving and the transition back to work following leave. Seal Press will be releasing the book on paperback April 26, 2016.

Michelle McGlade, a holistic practitioner, author and founder of her own wellness-coaching business, is also featured in this month’s issue. Tara McCollum’s story reveals McGlade’s unconventional path to entrepreneurship following a 15-year journey through a corporate career and MBA program before realizing that at age 35 she wanted to go back to school to become an acupuncturist. Realizing her dream has allowed her to flourish as a coach, an entrepreneur and even prompted the success of her newest endeavor, a podcast, “The Business Exchange for Wellness Entrepreneurs.”

We’ve also welcomed a new writer to Lioness Magazine as Barbara Trombley has taken over our Making Cents column. Her first piece asks and answers the question: Do I need a small business retirement plan? Trombley breaks down the dos and don’ts of the Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Simplified Employee Pension IRA, SOLO 401k, and 401k Plan. Welcome to the Lioness Pack, Barbara!

Barbara joins an extraordinary group of columnists and writers here who, even on their most daunting days, take a page from those featured in this month’s magazine and rev their entrepreneurial engines so that they’ll never stop traveling the road ahead!

About the author

Katelyn Gendron

Katelyn Gendron is a native of New York, who is currently living and working as a newspaper editor in Western Massachusetts. She took the helm as Editor in Chief at Lioness in 2013, structuring a strong editorial calendar and securing well-known entrepreneur interviews. A SUNY grad, Katelyn is a world traveler who has documented her journeys for various publications spanning five of the seven continents (she plans to visit the remaining two during her lifetime), her motto: “Life’s a ball. Let’s play!”

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