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Providing Our Readers With A View Of Entrepreneurship Through A Global Lens

This month we’re providing our readers with a view of entrepreneurship through a global lens. Our Editor Katelyn talks about why she loves the July issue.

Providing Our Readers With A View Of Entrepreneurship Through A Global Lens - Lioness MagazineWhen you’re an editor of a monthly magazine you treat each of your publication’s issues like children and every year I adopt 12 new ones. If you follow the cardinal rule of parenting – and editing – you’re not supposed to have favorites, bias is never acceptable in journalism or nurturing. However, I tend to make a bit of an exception every July when we publish our annual travel issue because – yes, I confess – it’s by far my favorite of the year! Not to fear, my journalism ethics were never compromised during the making of this issue, I’ve just had a tremendous amount of fun leading our team in its creation!

A look at this month’s cover reveals why July is always a passion project: we’re providing our readers with a view of entrepreneurship through a global lens. Sue Ismiel, founder of Nad’s, is our featured female entrepreneur, truly making our cover international as she’s taken an organic recipe for hair removal, which she cooked up in her kitchen in Australia, and turned it into a global empire! Ismiel is also a shining example of how one may foster female entrepreneurship at work and at home as each of her three adult daughters now have high level positions within the company.

Another reason why I’m so passionate about the July issue is the annual globe-trotting expose from Gutsy Women Travel. Last year they took us to exotic locations such as Tanzania, Cuba and Peru and this year is no exception with trips to Thailand, Morocco, Australia and Japan. I’ve met some of my most cherished friends through travel abroad and I wholeheartedly encourage everyone reading this to plan an excursion with their best girls sooner rather than later!

The three-year non-stop travel life of one couple is also featured in this month’s issue. Nicole Connolly and Michael Wright are living what they call a “freedom lifestyle,” chronicling their experiences via their luxury travel blog, Suitcase Stories. Self-proclaimed gypsies at heart, they have no intentions of changing their lifestyle any time soon, having already visited locations throughout North, South and Central America, Europe and the Caribbean.

Terri Lundberg, a native of San Diego, California, has also adopted a gypsy lifestyle with her own website, Hometown Tourist, which exposes readers to the benefits of travel through a local’s eyes. She encourages her readers to look beyond the tourist traps and try out lesser-known eateries, nightlife, museums and historical sites, suggestions which are provided by those she’s met on the street during her travels.

I’d also like to drawn your attention to two more extraordinary women featured this month: Eileen Minogue, co-founder of Patient AirLift Services, and artist Lori Earley. Minogue formed her nonprofit in order to serve those living in the Northeast United States who’re unable to afford travel or fly commercially when seeking medical treatment. PALS has already provided more than 7,500 free flights in just five years of operation.

Earley, a New York native, has spent her life committed to her artistic endeavors. She began with just a pencil and paper as a child and grew into a critically acclaimed painter; that was until the late 2000s when she was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a disease which affects a person’s connective tissues. Earley, now unable to paint due to the extreme pain caused by her disease, has turned to incorporating her past paintings into jewelry. She’s also working on a book about her struggle to live with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in the hopes that it will provide inspiration to others attempting to overcome obstacles while in pursuit of their dreams.

The moral of this story: Get off your butt, renew your passport and start planning your next adventure because our independence, free from health and financial hardships is never guaranteed. You’ll regret tomorrow what you chose not to accomplish today!


Photo courtesy of Southbank Centre [FLICKR]

About the author

Katelyn Gendron

Katelyn Gendron is a native of New York, who is currently living and working as a newspaper editor in Western Massachusetts. She took the helm as Editor in Chief at Lioness in 2013, structuring a strong editorial calendar and securing well-known entrepreneur interviews. A SUNY grad, Katelyn is a world traveler who has documented her journeys for various publications spanning five of the seven continents (she plans to visit the remaining two during her lifetime), her motto: “Life’s a ball. Let’s play!”

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