Kara Martin Snyder offers pragmatic health & lifestyle options for frazzled entrepreneurs with all heart and no bullsh*t. Take care of you as much as you take care of business.
I’ve really been packing on the pounds over the past few months. I want to start eating healthier, but I have no clue where to begin. I’ve got way too much going on for a detox or some total overhaul right now. – Susan R.
Hiya, Susan.
First things first, congratulations on recognizing you need to create some change, while being totally realistic about what you can handle right now. While a detox (a.k.a. a cleanse) has its place in self-care toolbox, it could be massively disruptive, especially if you have a really demanding schedule. Consider prospectively minimizing the toxic inputs and maximizing the nourishing inputs that you put both in and on your body.
Let’s be real: One person’s food may be another person’s poison. However, what most experts can agree on is that most people are not eating enough high quality fruits & veggies, especially green leafy ones. Some steps to chew on and implement:
- Are the fruits & veggies that you’re already eating organic and free of pesticides? This is especially important for the Dirty Dozen fruits and veggies. Are they sourced locally or have they lost some of their nutrient value just getting to you?
- What other foods are you willing to swap out for more organic, less processed choices?
- After you’ve upped the quality, let’s think about quantity. Starting with your snack or meal most devoid of fruits & veggies, how can you incorporate at least 1 additional serving of plant matter for the next 2-3 weeks? When you have that down to a sustainable practice, repeat for the next meal or snack.
When we want to shed some pounds, food is an obvious thing to consider. However, it’s important to pore over what we’re putting on our bodies. Yes, pun intended. Our skin has several functions, including absorption. All of those soaps, lotions and shampoos that we use daily can actually make their way into our bloodstream…including chemicals known as obesogens, which have the ability to alter your fat metabolism. Phthalates are one of these obesogenic culprits. They’re typically used to fix and hold color and scents. Any time you see the word “fragrance” on a label, it could be hundreds of different chemicals. Quite often, that list includes hormone-disrupting phthalates. While colors and fragrances add to the experience, are they worth the additional toxic input for you? If not, here’s another chance for you to pick a frequently used soap, lotion or shampoo and look for a safer, less hormone-hijacking version to meet your needs.
Don’t forget: Even one new substitution or tweak every other week could be 26 changes in a year! Where are you willing to start this week?
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