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Mompreneur Mental Wellness: How to Stay Sane at Home and Work

Dr. Delene P. Musielak shares four tips on how to manage your physical and mental health as a mompreneur.

No matter how you turn or twist it, moms normally take on a lot more home responsibilities. Now, if you’re a working mom, that complicates the situation. Somehow, we moms have perfected the art of pushing onward and smiling when we do it. Many of us never show others our real struggle, or our pain. It’s as if we would be looked down upon if we did that. It would be as if we were complaining. Our grandmothers did it, our own mothers did it, so we feel obligated to just look straight ahead and keep at it.

However, what impact does this have on us? The National Institute of Mental Health shows that one out of five individuals are affected by a mental illness. During COVID-19, those numbers continue to increase. You may think that you can avoid it, but according to The National Institute of Mental Health, one out of every two individuals will be affected by a mental illness at some point in their life. Look at the person next to you and know that one of you will be affected by a mental illness. That’s significant!

As busy women juggling work and home, it’s easy to miss how our mental wellness impacts those around us, including our colleagues, employees and even our families. As strong as we may be, we are still at risk, especially during times with so many changes and unknowns.

So what can mompreneurs do to keep mental wellness? Here are four ways moms can keep their sanity at home and work.

Dr. Delene P. Musielak, who contributed the article on mompreneur mental wellness

Tips for achieving mental wellness as a mompreneur

Make time for “me time”

It’s very rare to catch a mompreneur using the word “me.” That’s because we focus on taking care of everyone else and making sure the job gets done. There is no time for ourselves. That’s why I am telling you to make time. Self-care is so important and needed. Do something you love and enjoy. Whether it is listening to music, walking in the park, shopping, getting a massage or reading a book. Your relaxation will lead to rejuvenation. You will see that making time for yourself will result in a rise in your happiness, which will then be contagious. It will trickle down to your employees and your family.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is probably one of the most common things we sacrifice. Is it just me, or does anyone else agree? However, there are only so many hours we can sacrifice before it takes a toll. You’re not only tired and fatigued, but your brain can’t function optimally. You may start forgetting things or become more irritable. Anyone been there? Just so you are aware, the recommended amount of sleep for adults is seven to eight hours every night.

Follow proper nutrition

As mamas, we always focused on our families eating healthy. As a result, we may take a few shortcuts when it comes to our food. Don’t forget about our busy schedules as mompreneurs. We may just grab a quick bite or skip a meal all together. What we need to remember is that when we eat, we’re not only feeding ourselves physically, but also mentally. A Harvard study shows that there is a decreased risk of depression in individuals who have a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and unprocessed foods. So, make healthy choices for yourself and your families.

Enjoy the benefits of exercise

I hear a lot of people say that they “do a lot of walking at work.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t count as a workout unless you’re speed walking. It’s also important to realize the mental effect from physical activity. When we exercise, we release endorphins and other “happy hormones.” The hormones increase our emotions of joy, therefore decreasing the likelihood of depression or anxiety. When we have a positive attitude, it not only boosts our self-esteem and confidence but also boosts those around us.

Looking for some tips on how to incorporate exercise into your routine? Read our guide here.

As hardworking mompreneurs, it’s very easy for us to forget the simple steps of life that can have a significant impact. So I challenge you today to take time daily to apply these four techniques. As strong, passionate and resilient women, I know you can do it!

About Delene P. Musielak, MD, FACP, FAAP, ABO

Dr. Musielak is triple boarded in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics & Obesity Medicine. She is an Associate Program Director, super mom of triplets, international best-selling author, entrepreneur, corporate wellness coach and motivational speaker. She is known as Dr. Dee – Mom of Three on her podcast, The Dr. Mom Show, where she’s passionate about educating others about preventative medicine and empowering women to go to the next level in life.

Dr. Musielak is also the co-founder of ALEA Publishing, LLC. She has been featured in a multitude of media outlets including ABC News, The CW, Fox News, KSDK News, MizCEO, Glambitious, Parents Magazine, Thrive Global, Delux Magazine and STL Parent.

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