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Mid-Year Check-In: 4 Quick Strategies To Help You Get Focused And Busy This Summer

I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to stay the course when you'd rather be relaxing in the sun. Or better yet, when you'd rather be avoiding the next daunting task on your list. Here are 4 quick strategies to help you get focused and get busy this summer.

It’s easy to get distracted by the summer sunshine. Let’s help you get focused.

Mid-Year Check-In: Four Quick Strategies To Help You Get Focused And Busy This Summer - Lioness MagazineWake up. It’s the middle of the year and you’ve got work to do. If you’re on track to accomplish your goals this year, good. If you’ve fallen behind, get over it. Either way, it’s time to step up your game, build or capitalize on your momentum and ensure you meet or exceed your goal(s) before the end of the year.

But it’s the middle of the summer, right? It sure is. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to stay the course when you’d rather be relaxing in the sun. Or better yet, when you’d rather be avoiding the next daunting task on your list. Here are 4 quick strategies to help you get focused and get busy this summer.

  1. Acknowledge the work you’ve put in so far. One thing I have to constantly nag coaching clients about is acknowledging their work. For some reason, it’s way easier for women to criticize themselves than to celebrate or even sometimes to simply admit an achievement. Yet, it’s the acknowledgment and celebration of successes that builds confidence and provides motivation. Try to bring in a little appreciative inquiry as you reflect on the first half of the year. Ask questions like, “what did I absolutely rock and how can I build on that?” Write down your answers and take a minute to celebrate yourself. Create a celebration ritual and commit to completing the ritual after every success.
  2. Get laser focused on money making activities. It’s easy for entrepreneurs to fall into the trap of busy work. You work nonstop and feel productive but you’re not getting any closer to your goals. That’s because you’re focused on the wrong things. You’re redoing your website, working on back office items, taking networking meetings, answering emails or some other activity that’s not bringing money in the door. Write down the two to three tasks that will directly impact your goal for the year. We’ll call these focus tasks. For example, if your goal is to get more customers write down the two to three things you can do to bring in more customers. After you get clear on your focus tasks commit to spending 80 percent of your time doing your focus tasks.
  3. Work on yourself. Make sure you take time to grow yourself as you grow your business. Build your knowledge base in your field, study your competition, learn how to be a good leader and a good manager. Sign up for your free Lioness membership for more development opportunities.
  4. Take massive action. No matter what you do, just keep working. Take action on your dreams.

About the author

Dawn Leaks

Dawn Leaks is CEO of Lioness and has been empowering women and entrepreneurs for as long as she can remember. A certified life coach, speaker and trainer, Dawn is passionate about helping women reach their God-given potential and live with passion, purpose and confidence. In the past Dawn has served as director of communications for a major nonprofit organization and as the Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at Hampshire College. She's a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and is an avid R&B soul line dancer.

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