Leslie Pierson GoodHangups Headshot
Leslie Pierson GoodHangups Headshot

GoodHangups Founder Heads To Shark Tank And LionessMagazine.com

Entrepreneur Leslie Pierson will be on ABC’s Shark Tank this Friday, Sept. 30 at 9 p.m. (est). Do you know where else she is going to be? At LionessMagazine.com!
GoodHangups Founder Heads To Shark Tank And LionessMagazine.com - Lioness Magazine
Leslie Pierson, founder of GoodHangups will appear on Shark Tank to pitch this Friday, Sept. 30.

Entrepreneur Leslie Pierson will be on ABC’s Shark Tank this Friday, Sept. 30 at 9 p.m. (est). Do you know where else she is going to be? At Lioness! Don’t forget to visit LionessMagazine.com this Friday morning to check out our Entrepreneur of the Day chat with Pierson, the creator and founder of GoodHangups. She is excited to introduce her innovative and inexpensive product on Shark Tank on Friday and she looks forward to talking startups with us, so don’t miss it!

Pierson won the Today’s Show “Next Big Thing” Contest last October and because of that she has been on national morning shows numerous times, as well as QVC.

Don’t miss our chat. To get it delivered right to your inbox first thing, sign up for Entrepreneur-On-The-Go here.

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