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Inside The Office News

Why Entrepreneurs and Startups Should Use Shared Office Space

Office sharing is not a new concept but it is thriving because the economy has forced smaller startup companies and independent professionals to use shared office space as a practical way for saving money.

Why Entrepreneurs and Startups Should Use Shared Office Space - Lioness MagazineOffice sharing is not a new concept but it is thriving because the economy has forced smaller startup companies and independent professionals to use shared office space as a practical way for saving money.

Shared office space, also known as serviced office space allows companies who own or manage an office; that has an abundance of office space to share or rent the workstations or self-contained units to other smaller companies or professionals looking for flexible workspace.

This creates revenue for the company that runs the office and provides a cheap, flexible alternative for smaller companies or professionals looking for an office outside of their home. The main benefit of sharing an office is that it provides a more dynamic environment for both companies involved and allows access to new markets.

What many entrepreneurs and startups have come to realize is that an office space can be a large overhead expense and a cash drain on precious capital. It is better to invest in an affordable office space which often come fully equipped and furnished, and in addition provides a range of shared facilities including reception and telephone answering services, secretarial support, conference and meeting rooms, video conferencing, networking, WiFi and kitchen areas etc.

A significant benefit of shared office space is definitely higher quality appearance that incorporates it. No matter how nice your home is, or even if your clients do not mind meeting in a coffeehouse, it can still reflect poorly on the professionalism of your business. Cutting edge conference and meeting rooms, a receptionist and great address reflect an aura of professionalism that practically nothing can replace.

Besides the lower costs, a shared office space can help homebound entrepreneurs and small business owners to feel less lonely and provide a more upscale image for your company. It truly is a great option for when you are just getting your business started and allows that needed flexibility.

The main benefits you receive from a ‘sharing’ environment is camaraderie, knowledge sharing, high energy, culture, and cost sharing.

A professional environment is much more efficient in getting your work done without distractions while it offers all the resources you need at your disposal by bringing you in close contact with other entrepreneurs. Even if they are not in your industry, the networking effect has substantial and measurable practical value. Sharing office space is like joining a culture that revolves around people and experiences, which allows you to be part of a community of like-minded professionals, that connect and share and embark on new experiences.

Emma-Swan_1349428Emma is a qualified Internet marketing consultant who offers a variety of business services for the online entrepreneur specializing in mobile development and mobile design. Her primary goal is to work with businesses to achieve a greater online presence in growing their respective business and brand.

About the author

Lioness News Desk


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  • Great post Emma, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

    I was already familiar and aware of what you mentioned throughout this post, working in office rentals myself. However, I’d never really considered the increase in office energy that can be brought about as a result of sharing office spaces.. That’s a great thought!

    Thanks again Emma

  • This is a great article Emma. Working in a shared office space would really give you a lot of benefits because of the not so new diverse personalities of the people working in the same shared office space. This will allow you to interact and learn from people who does different jobs. This is a type of office space that’s very ideal for outgoing or sociable people, and for start ups, it is recommendable for them to be in a shared office because of the countless possibilities networking could bring in their business.

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