conversations with good humans
Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs Sales

Cool Casts for Entrepreneurs – Conversations with Good Humans

When was the last time you heard someone say, “Sales is the best job ever?” What if you discovered that selling is a great way to have a positive impact on the lives of your customers? It is possible! Catherine Brown, President of ExtraBold Sales, hosts Conversations with Good Humans and discusses ways to sell with dignity and remain true to our values. Listen in and learn how to make sales the best job ever.

What is the podcast about?

When you hear the word “sales,” what images come to mind? Whatever your relationship is with selling, most of us are looking for ways to sell more products and services and still feel like a good human being while selling. In Conversations with Good Humans, Catherine interviews entrepreneurs and professional salespeople whom she knows sell like good humans and has them give away their best practices to get more business in an ethical, values-driven way.

Why should people listen to it? Who is the podcast for?

Entrepreneurs and first-time sellers will especially benefit from the information shared about how beliefs about sales affect how you sell.

Featured episode – Email Marketing with Elaine Acker

In this episode, Catherine Brown interviews Elaine Acker, CEO of Sparx360, a marketing agency in Austin, TX. Elaine is one of the best copywriters in Texas. In this episode, Elaine teaches everyone how to build an email marketing list (yes you still need one!). She also has something for everyone in this episode, especially those who think emails are no longer the way to communicate with people.

Catherine Brown Headshot 2022 Catherine Brown


Catherine Brown knows that building a business can feel tough because she’s founded and built several of them. A veteran of more than 25 years of B2B sales, Brown has discovered the secrets to being wildly successful at selling and still selling like a good person. In her new book, How Good Humans Sell, Brown shares these secrets and shows the way for entrepreneurs and professional salespeople to enjoy selling and make more sales, all while serving their prospects through sales with integrity. You can learn more about her book at

About the author

Lioness Staff

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