The acclaimed documentary, “Show Her The Money,” has successfully wrapped its ambitious 100-city grassroots global tour. This...
GIFTD, a New Clothing Gifting App, Raises 535K EUR in Angel Round
Connecticut Technology Council Announces Winners of 19th Annual Women of Innovation Awards
Global Experts Gather for ICHG 2024 to Advance Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Research and Care
It’s a 10® Haircare Celebrates 8th Annual National Love Your Hair Day Awarding $100,000 to Women Entrepreneurs
Category - News Briefs
Female entrepreneur news briefs: Latest acquisitions, revenue, funding and employee announcements for female-founded startups.
Fundraising $6 MillionSAN FRANCISCO — ReUp Education, the only company solely focused on helping colleges to re-enroll students who have “stopped...
Accelerators TechDiversity Hoy Health LLC announces that Tampa Bay Wave, an entrepreneurial hub helping tech companies advance their...
Updates Mary’s Tech CA’s New Facility Mary’s Tech CA, Inc. (Mary’s) announced the opening of a new 1,500 sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility...
Fundraising Momni Momni, Inc., has secured additional funding of more than $1.75 million to expand its care-sharing app, which connects moms to moms...
Personnel Capitol Music Group Highly-regarded music industry executive and entrepreneur Amber Grimes has been named to the newly-created position of Senior...
We take a look at the latest female entrepreneur news briefs — acquisitions, personnel announcements and startup launches.
Fundraising Yumble Closes Round of Series A Yumble announced it has closed Series A funding led by Sonoma Brands, along with Danone Manifesto Ventures (the New...
Awards Power of Young Hollywood On Aug. 28, Variety in partnership with H&M honored Lili Reinhart for her active voice on the important topics of mental...
Expansion New Platform Portal Today, BOXFOX will debut a brand new corporate concierge gifting portal designed to allow companies to streamline their gift...
New Roles Chicago Tribune Statehouse Bureau Chief Mac Strategies Group, a twenty-five time, award-winning strategic communications, public affairs and...