The Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium (Southern Black Girls) is breaking barriers and building dreams. A leader in empowering Black...
2024 State of Women’s Small Business Report by Block Advisors Reveals Resilience Despite Persistent Support Barriers
Women: You’re Losing More Than Just 16 Cents
BMO Announces 2024 Celebrating Women Grant Program Recipients to Support U.S. Women-owned Businesses
Rise Above the Money Fog with a Master Money Coach
Category - Money
So you have an incredible startup idea? You’re passionate. You’re inspired. You’re starting to worry about money. All founders’ conversations shift from vision to money. It’s unavoidable. You need money to launch. You need money to stay alive. Here’s, what you need to keep in the forefront of your mind.
The business model is the blueprint for the process by which a company will make and sustain a profit. Unfortunately, too many aspiring entrepreneurs do not...
Hiring someone for a paid or unpaid internship may seem like a great solution for businesses needing extra talent during vacation season. But, if not handled...
Over the past two decades, a considerable body of research has emerged to lend incontrovertible proof to the idea that when women thrive, organizations...