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Business is a love story. So don’t be a selfish lover.

The only way to make money is to stop thinking about how to make money, and start thinking about how to make meaning.

Business is a love story. So don’t be a selfish lover. - Lioness MagazineThe only way to make money is to stop thinking about how to make money, and start thinking about how to make MEANING.

By which I don’t necessarily mean yours. Do we want you to do something you love? Sure. But successful business models aren’t all about you; they’re about what you can do for other people. What meaning can you bring to their lives?

I don’t care how much you love something–will you be able to create a successful business model out of gargling triple sec? Not a chance–even if it’s top shelf, imported from some obscure little country in Europe, filtered over diamonds, and then blessed by three virgins. Even if, you guys.

So if you’re going to start a business, start a business mentality, first—not that of a bratty hobbyist whining they can’t have their cake and eat it, too.

That isn’t to say you can’t combine what you love with business—but it’s to say you’ve got to give a little.

Put a little less you, and a little more of your customer into the equation.

Remember: You can’t take anyone’s money without taking their heart, first.

Turns out, business is a love story.

Don’t be a selfish lover.


Syndicated Column

About the author

Ash Ambirge

Ash Ambirge is the owner of a no-bullshit community & mentor for business owners who roll their eyes at everyone’s “newsletter” and want to learn fresh, original ways to hijack the sea of sameness. (Located 20º north of the Strait of Eyeglaze.) She helps the lost, the confused, and the marketing anxious learn how to take their business & gracefully chainsaw through cookie cutter tactics that don’t even work (nobody wants your free goodies, or your “solutions”), and use the unexpected as a lethal sales weapon that no competitor can touch. But most of all? We help you screw “business as usual” and have fun doing business. Because if you’re not having fun, then you might as well be in jail, and jail is bad.

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