Touch the Sky
Leadership News Briefs

House of Rose’s Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky World Tour

House of Rose Professional (HORP) announced the launch of its 2024 World Tour of Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky. The event is a success and leadership summit for women. There are multiple international editions globally for the Americas, Asia, Middle East, Europe, ANZ and Africa. The summit, established in 2015,  provides a simple and cost-effective way for companies to accelerate gender equality within their organizations. It enables leaders (especially women leaders) to exchange cutting-edge best practices on leadership, DEI and success. The tour kicks off with a virtual meeting of the Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky network on March 7, 2024 (by invitation only). Next, live editions of the summit around the world occur including The Americas Edition in the USA (July 16, 2024), The Middle East Edition in Dubai (Sep.9,  2024), the World Edition in Singapore (Nov. 2024), etc. Other editions will be announced soon.

HORP’s worldwide mission

Break the ceiling touch the sky supports HORP’S Mission 2029 for a Better World. Its global initiative focused on quintupling the number of female CEOs (from 14 in 2020 to 70 in 2029) in the world’s 500 largest companies. It also works to double the number of male CEOs actively investing in gender diversity and inclusion.  Since 2014, Break the Ceiling Touch the Sky has enabled the success of close to 40,000 women leaders and several thousand male champions for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion via the summit and associated programs from HORP. The summit is supported by the world’s most successful companies. These companies know business, innovation and organizational benefits from the acceleration of gender equality in their leadership.

Sponsor and delegate plans are open at

Want to learn what it’s like to attend a summit? Check our article: From the Ground Floor of Collision, One of the World’s Largest Tech Summits.

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