soaring above disruption in business
Book Of The Week

Soar Above the Storm: Navigate Disruption in Business and Life

You’re on the brink of an enlightening journey with “Choose to Soar: Navigating Disruption in Business and Life.” Inspired by speaker and author Annie Meehan’s experience with Hurricane Ian, this book will become your guide to skillfully maneuver through life’s hurdles. Inside, you’ll uncover her actionable S.T.O.R.M.S. framework, equipping you with the strategies to tackle both personal and professional challenges. Say goodbye to letting disruptions define you—it’s time to redefine them!

Front Choose to Soar Annie Meehan

What is your book about?

Life is full of storms, disruptions and challenges, but it’s what we do in the disruptions that really matters. Will we sink, swim or survive?

It might be a professional disruption like the great resignation, inflation, 9/11, a pandemic, a merger that leads to layoffs or bankruptcy; it might be personal disruption like a divorce, diagnosis or death; maybe even a literal storm like a flood, fire, tornado or hurricane. Whether these storms choose you or you choose them, you can decide if these events will define the rest of your life.

Inspired by surviving Hurricane Ian on September 28th, 2022, this book is a guide to soar above storms in our lives so that we come out stronger on the other side. Besides showing you how to rise above trouble and become the best you can be, you get access to strategies, tools and techniques that help you thrive in your professional and personal life.

Are you ready to SOAR? Join me as I guide you through your storm, SOARING above your circumstances.

Topics include:

The book contains three parts:

  • Hope, health and happiness
  • S.T.O.R.M.S.: Silence, Time, Openness, Relationships, Mindset, Soaring
  • The purpose formula

My encouragement as you experience life’s S.T.O.R.M.S. includes:

  • Be still
  • Give yourself time
  • Rely on relationships
  • Stay open to lessons
  • Manage your mindset to stay motivated
  • Soar above your circumstances.

Why should people read it? Who is the book for?

Choose to Soar: Navigating Disruption in Business and Life is for someone going through a disruption in their life, someone in transition. Someone feeling stuck and knowing there has to be more than living a life on a hamster wheel of sadness. Someone looking for a map with a guide that shows them how to get unstuck and back to soaring in the life they have always dreamed of.

Single most important takeaway:

Don’t let your disruptions define you! Soar above your circumstances with the right tools.

Annie 4 Annie Meehan

Meet the author

Annie Meehan is no stranger to storms; as a dynamic speaker, author and entrepreneur, she’s weathered challenges in the boardroom and in business. Meehan credits the storms for the unshakeable optimism, drive and resiliency that she employs as a speaker. She teaches teams how the storms of life can lead to the biggest breakthroughs, renewed innovation and vision and unbreakable collaboration. Author of over eight books and counting, Meehan’s keynotes and professional workshops are not only inspiring but practical. Every person in the room leaves with a new vision.

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