Dawn Leaks knows firsthand the challenges and advantages of women running media companies. She came aboard as chief executive officer of Lioness in the last quarter of 2015. Since then the communications dynamo has taken the reins of the online news company for female entrepreneurs. Under her direction, the company has grown exponentially, adding live and virtual events, coaching, mentoring, training and leadership programming to its offerings.
Leaks is known as a powerful teacher and trainer, providing leadership development workshops and coaching to corporations across Western Massachusetts. She’s served as Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at Hampshire College, an adjunct professor at Bay Path University and has guest lectured at the UMass Amherst Isenberg School of Management as well as Smith College.
Dawn and I talk leadership, women running media companies and doing the unsexy duties of CEO.
Click play above and get the scoop. Dawn’s about to get Amplified.
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