Sophia Casey 2
Sophia Casey 2

How To Design The Life You’ve Always Imagined

As we go through life, there will be different trials and tribulations that occur to make us redirect our paths. Our thought process on what our sole purpose on this Earth is can change dramatically in ways we never imagined. Sometimes it could be for the worse but even through dark clouds, there is always a positive light at the end of the tunnel.

Back in 2017, executive life coach and author Sophia Casey had no idea what to think when doctors said her husband was “expiring” after suffering from a random health scare. While she sat in the hospital for days on end, Casey knew that she had to do something to keep her mind clear and sane. “I was thinking, ‘how do I stay sane as my husband goes through all these operations?’” Casey remembers. Besides turning to prayer, she turned to journaling to cope, which turned into a life she never knew was ahead of her.

As Casey watched her husband’s health recover, she realized that her writing was the antidote to her worries. Although she never considered writing as a profession, she decided to publish. Her critically acclaimed journal entitled “Ease & Flow” was created to help women take a step back from the daily struggles that life piles on us. Created in just five days, the journal has since paved the way for many woman who are starting to look ahead in life but don’t have much direction. Casey admits that in her sessions, many women come up to her complaining that they just don’t think they are able to fulfill their dreams.

So, what does she recommend women do to design the life you’ve always imagined?

The 52-year-old has a laundry list of tips for women of all ages:

1. Work on the mindset.

“Shifting the mindset to be able to see possibility is key,” Casey says. “A lot of times we say things aren’t possible because we make stuff up in our heads but what are the facts behind our dreams? That’s the first thing that we have to come to grips with.”

2. Get an accountability partner.

“The type of accountability that I’m talking about is someone that cares about you so much that they’re standing for you to be your highest self and that they’re actually going to call you on your crap too,” Casey said. “Whether that’s hiring a coach like me, getting a mentor, joining a women’s group, because they help hold me accountable. I can look to them to able to see what I want as a reality.” Casey, who has worked with and trained several corporate and government groups, including members of the White House, encourages those looking for a partner to have criteria for them. Check off certain qualities that you may like or dislike.

3. Reward Yourself.

Once the mindset has been shifted and you’ve found a solid accountability partner or team, the plan can be put in motion. Sounds simple but Casey says this is the one imperative for women to do when setting the plan into action. “How are you going to reward yourself for all the action you put in motion?” Casey asked. There [are] going to be times when women become tired. There will be times that self-sabotaging behavior comes into play, we are human right? However, Casey thinks that the key to getting rid of those feelings is patting yourself on the back and saying, ‘well done.’ “Think about how you’re going to reward yourself along the way and put that in your plan.” Casey says rewarding yourself is a requirement of her clients, which still surprises them. “Because you haven’t set simplistic milestones and rewarded yourself for meeting those milestones.”

For all the women looking for a change, Casey created an Ease & Flow Academy last year, an online coaching course that benefits women striving to live their best life using organization to achieve their accomplishments. Since simplicity is key for Casey, enrolling is easy. “What I was finding last year during my coaching with entrepreneurs is what is stopping you?” Casey said. “And what I heard was they were all over the place and they didn’t know where to start.” Her academy is designed to assist with that main skill set. Signing up will help women gain the knowledge that Casey has become an expert in.

Which is Casey’s main goal: to help women become an expert in their own lives. Her vision for the academy is to offer services to help people create ease and flow in their lives. “I look at circumstances and obstacles and challenges and say how can I create this?” Casey asks herself. “And as I build these courses, that is what we continue to think.”

About the author

Sharelle M. Burt

Sharelle M. Burt is a Marketing Specialist/Freelance Writer out of Charlotte, NC. A self-proclaimed 'beautiful dreamer,' she spends a lot of her time recording her podcast, "Headwraps & Lipsticks," spending time with family and her dog, Patrick. She also the Director of Young Adults in Christian Ministry at her church.

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