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How Many Billion-Dollar Companies Have Female Founders?

PitchBook takes a look at how many unicorn companies have female founders? What they find is a great reminder that there is still much work to do around gender parity in entrepreneurship.

How many billion-dar companies have female founders? It’s a question PitchBook recently asked and we were dying to know the answer. According to the article, “Of the 134 VC-backed US-based companies valued at $1 billion or more, aka ‘unicorns,’ just 16 have a woman cofounder. Remove two whose recent controversies have likely diminished their valuations, Theranos and Outcome Health, and 14 companies remain.”

We know so many things play a role in this: funding disparities, opportunities, resources. And, we know male startups continue to receive a large amount of funding despite data showing women outperform them.  Pitchbook put together a complete list of female founders who have managed to turn their startups into unicorns. See the list and their company profiles here.

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