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9 Things Every Budding Single-Mom Entrepreneur Needs To Succeed

Single moms have the natural work ethic to shift into successful entrepreneurs. Here's how to take what you already do well and use it to succeed.

As a single mom, you are full of will and determination, which makes you the perfect candidate for entrepreneurship. Whether you want to open an online store, are developing a new product, or want to be in big business, you have to know where to start and how to succeed. Here are 9 things every budding single-mom entrepreneur needs to succeed in her business:

1.Know your Resources

One thing every budding single-mom entrepreneur needs to succeed is to know her resources! This means using your motherly instincts to find the right avenue to make connections and contacts, get funding, and make your product known to the world. Here are three avenues you should know about. Some are closer to home than you think!

2.Local Grants

You might be surprised to learn that many states and cities provide personalized grants for single mothers who are stating their own business. These can be anywhere from $50-$5,000 or more in grants that do not need to be paid back. This can help you with your startup and may even include a small amount of publicity to get word of mouth started about your business or product. Check with local businesses and the internet to find local grants that work best for your business.

3.Online Resources

The Internet is a treasure trove of information that can help you run a successful business. Look for schedule ideas, designs and logos, funding, online marketplaces, and helpful apps designed to help your run your startup like a pro. Finding message boards or podcasts with like-minded single-mom entrepreneurs can also be a great place to get your creative juices flowing.

4.Personal Resources

As a single mother, you are a master at being crafty and getting things done. When you think about gathering resources for your budding business your mind may go straight to local grants and online resources, but don’t forget about the people you know! If you are open with your friends and colleagues about being a single-mom entrepreneur you may be surprised to learn how many people in your life may be able to help you.

For example, say you knit adorable baby clothes, hats, scarves, and booties. You’ve created a great collection and are selling them using an online shop. That’s a great start, but if you ask around you might find that your friends or family members are close friends with a woman who owns a boutique who would be more than willing to stock your designs.

If you never ask, you’ll never know.

5.Balancing Work and Motherhood

Balancing work and motherhood is something most single-mom entrepreneurs struggle with. Your children are your life, but that doesn’t mean you should push aside your dreams just because you’re now a single mom.

Taking time for your work should never be a source of stress. You can balance being Supermom alongside starting up your business or working on your product without one passion invading the other.

Create a schedule that isn’t going to take your time away from your children, even if it’s only two or three hours a day. Use your mornings and the time after your children go to bed to devote solely to your business. Your mornings can be used to make calls and inquiries during business hours, and your nights can be used for research.

6.Say Goodbye to Guilt

One thing every budding single-mom entrepreneur needs to know is that guilt happens. It’s normal. As a mother, you’re used to devoting all your time and energy to your children. Any deviation for this, especially to pursue something “selfishly” makes you feel like you’re betraying your child in some way. You aren’t! In order to be a better mother for your children you need to feel fully satisfied with your life, and part of that means pursuing your dreams. Not only will your success help provide for your children’s future, it also teaches them never to give up on their goals even when life gets hard.

7.Have a Positive Attitude

Starting your business isn’t going to be easy, so it’s important to have a positive attitude about starting up. Think about it, as a single mom, you already have a huge set of life skills that make entrepreneurship perfect for you. You’re an excellent multitasker, you’re patient, creative, and know how to work with a budget.

As a mom, you’re probably used to spoiling yourself last, if at all. But try and take a little time for yourself amidst all the chaos of motherhood and working on your business model. This means taking a hot bath, reading a book, and taking care of yourself. These things will help you stay motivated with a positive attitude.

8.Never Give Up

Even though you are Supermom, that doesn’t mean that you don’t get tired or stressed every now and then. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy and there will be times where you feel like you’ve been standing still despite all the effort you’re putting into your project. Financial setbacks, lack of support, and feeling overwhelmed and exhausted will all play a part in you wanting to throw in the towel, but endurance will pay off!

Never to give up on your dreams and goals. You owe it to yourself and your children to be the best you can be and work as hard as it takes to provide for your family. It isn’t always going to be easy, but it is always going to be worth it.

9.Remove Negative Influences

The books you read, shows you watch, and people you interact with have a huge bearing on your attitude. These influences affect your mood, motivation, and beliefs. With this in mind, be conscious of the people and media you are surrounding yourself with, because one thing every budding single-mom entrepreneur needs to succeed is support and positivity!

If you have people in your life who are weighing you down or are making you feel like you can’t achieve your dreams, these are people you can do without. Ditch the negative influences and you will notice a huge improvement in your attitude.

Sylvia Smith is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage. She is a featured writer for, a reliable resource to support healthy happy marriages.

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