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99designs Reveals Top Four Emerging Startup Industries For 2019

Influencer agencies, life coaches, artificial intelligence-driven healthcare and drone-related businesses: these are among the hottest emerging industries for startup entrepreneurs in 2019, according to data released by global creative platform 99designs.

99designs identified the following four themes as the fastest-growing and strongest newcomers of 2019 based on an analysis of design projects completed on the site at the end of 2018 compared to the previous five years:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Healthcare: Up 48% compared to 5 years ago, significant advances in AI technology along with the demand for access to convenient medical care are driving this sector’s growth.
  • Personal Coaching: Experiencing a 47% increase in the past five years, life coaching is an industry well and truly on the rise, covering everything from financial and career guidance to health, wellness and relationships. The idea of personal coaching has established itself as an effective and accepted tool for self-development, driven by increased methods of mobile and remote communication.
  • Influencer Agencies: Influencer agencies made five times as many requests for design work on 99designs last year than they did in 2013 — a whopping increase of 320% — and there was a particularly sharp increase between 2016 and 2018 when their numbers grew 79%. This growth is a result of the continued rise of Instagram along with metrics proving the effectiveness of this channel for marketers, which in turn creates more demand for agencies connecting businesses with influencers.
  • Drones & Drone-related Businesses – With just a few dozen design requests five years ago, the drone industry has seen 680% growth since 2013 and continues to skyrocket, driven by tech advancements making drones more accessible. As the technology moves into the mainstream, industry growth is supported by the expansion into related areas such as drone reporting and drone tech analysis.

“Given the popularity of 99designs among small businesses and entrepreneurs across the world, looking at the types of companies getting logos and design work from year to year is a fun way to spot what’s hot and what looks to be dying down,” said 99designs COO Pamela Webber. “While last year saw a notable boom in cryptocurrency, VR and cannabis — industries that are still requesting  lots of creative work on the platform today — the obvious newcomers on the rise in 2019 involve bot doctors, Instagram celebrities and drone-adjacent services.”

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