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This is 50’s Gossip Viv talks to Lioness

Vivian Billings, mostly known as Gossip Viv from VH1 docu-series “Gossip Game,” and creator of the infamous “Gossip” site “HipHopGossipSite.com,” is a rapidly growing name in the social media and entertainment industry. She recently joined the team over at G-Unit Records under the management of hip hop artist 50 Cent.
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Vivian Billings, aka, Gossip Viv

Vivian Billings, mostly known as Gossip Viv from VH1 docu-series “Gossip Game,” and creator of the infamous “Gossip” site “HipHopGossipSite.com,” is a rapidly growing name in the social media and entertainment industry. Gossip Viv brings her followers all the latest, juicy, exclusive news on all of their favorite celebrities including special content such as photos, new music, and more! She recently joined the team over at G-Unit Records under the management of hip hop artist, 50 Cent, as one of the new hosts to the popular Internet radio show “This Is 50 Radio.” Now Gossip Viv is talking to Lioness about what it’s like multitasking, being at the forefront of the entertainment arena, juggling motherhood, being a wife, giving back to national causes, and having time to breathe. Lioness Divas, meet Vivian Denise Billings better known as, Gossip Viv!

AC: Viv, please tell our readers who is Gossip Viv, and if, there is a difference between the two: Vivian Billings versus Gossip Viv?

GV: The difference between Gossip Viv and Vivian Billings is this: Gossip Viv gossips! [Laughs] She talks about the rumors that are going on with the celebrities we all want to know about. Gossip Viv is in the know when it comes to what’s going on and what’s being whispered about in the entertainment industry and she lives off of this information reporting it on her website HipHopGossipSite.com, ThisIs50.com, and on her radio show ThisIs50 Radio. Vivian Billings, however, could really care less about what’s going on in the entertainment world, or the people who have drama in it because she has a family to feed, children to take care of, a day job and many other things going on in her life. These two individuals are totally different from each other.

AC: When did you realize that you had a niche to be in the entertainment industry? How did you choose your lane? What influenced your decision(s)?

GV: I realized I had a niche to be in the entertainment industry when I decided to write my stories and people were listening. Although they never made it apparent, they were listening, watching, and most times, responding to what I was writing about. I chose my lane because I was always into writing. From a very young age I wrote stories and was able to articulate what I wanted to say through my writing. Nothing really influenced me as far as writing; it was just something I always liked to do in my spare time.

AC: When deciding to launch your own website, one of which was similar to other gossip sites popping up all over the Internet, what was the determining factor of the content that would be covered? How would you set your site apart from the others?

GV: Nothing is off limits when it comes to my site. I will report on what I think is interesting to the masses. However, what separates my site from others is that I also give a voice to the artist or celebrity that people are talking about to speak their piece. I’ve always said that my site does not take sides and allows both the streets and the celebrities an opportunity to say what they want to say.

AC: Sharing your life in the spotlight for the world to see, comment on, or be inspired by is a very intimate decision especially when you have a family. What made you decide to sign on to be apart of VH1’s Docu-Series, “Gossip Games?”

GV: I decided to sign on to VH1’s “The Gossip Game” because this was going to be an opportunity that would allow me to show my brand to the masses in a way that I alone would not have been able to show it off to. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I did NOT want to pass up on and so I joined the show.

AC: From watching the show, I gathered that you were one who tried to stay in her lane, unless she was pushed out of it. What was one of the hardest situations while taping “Gossip Games,” you feel you had to face either behind the scenes or on camera? Would you say that situation helped you or hindered you?

GV: One of the hardest situations I had to deal with on camera was dealing with my son Kayden’s transition. It was something that I was dealing with behind the scenes and I was struggling with it. This family issue was not something I wanted to be on the show, but because of someone deciding to put my child’s business on the table in front of the cameras, I had to deal with it on camera. During the time of taping, which was over a year ago, this was a sensitive subject for me because I was trying to cope and deal with in my own way and unfortunately, the masses got to see that struggle on the show.

Although the situation’s outcome was negative between the person who spoke about my child and I, it did turn itself into a positive situation as Kayden and I have become very close, and communicate with each other a lot more freely.

AC: Shifting from the show with a group of women, to dominating the scene of a group of males has to be challenging yet rewarding all in one. What has it been like working for notorious hip hop artist 50 Cent and his company, G-Unit Records for their Internet radio show, “This Is 50 Radio?”

GV: Working for 50 Cent and the G-Unit staff has been nothing but a blessing! I was ecstatic when Nelson from G-Unit offered me the position. I know that was nothing but God! 50 Cent has been so nice, open and genuine with me and my co-host, Hynaken, who is like a brother. There are a ton of other great people who work at G-Unit that make my job a breeze so shouts to Jeremy, Rene, Chris, Jack Thriller, Push, Dutch, Element, Manny, DJ Thoro, Jinx, Maggie, Sharon and Frenchie! [Laughs] I love them all!

AC: You recently stepped out and went in a more humanitarian route and did a campaign with the breast cancer awareness nonprofit organization, “Hairless 4 Her Awareness Inc.” Tell us how did you get involved with the organization, what that experience was like, and how did that impact your life, if [in] any way?

GV: I became involved with the “Hairless 4 Her Awareness” campaign through my good friend Madison Jaye who suggested that I be part of the campaign. My good friend Angela Yee had already been a part of the campaign – being the first celebrity to take part in it so I was already sold on it. Not to mention the pictures were done in good taste.

The experience was a first for me since I am not a revealing type of person, but I was willing to let it all hang out for a good cause [Laughs]! Breast cancer has affected me in a number of ways. My great grandmother died from the disease in her 90s and most recently, my stepson’s mother passed away at the age of 38 years old from the disease.

AC: Wow! Sorry to hear that. I’m sure their hearts are smiling from you doing this.

GV: Indeed!

AC: Multitasking motherhood, wifely duties, work, giving back to national causes, and having a social life, how in the world does Viv find time to cater to some greatly needed “Viv Time?”

GV: In my world there is no such thing as “Viv Time.” I really wish there was! [Laughs] There are brief moments when I get some time to myself, but that is very rare. During those rare times I either catch up on some much-needed sleep, or I go and get my nails and toes done. [Laughs]

AC: You are currently being requested for campaigns, interviews, and more. When would you say you realized that you were no longer chasing your dreams, but rather you were now a, “Dream Catcher In Heels?”

GV: I’m still chasing my dreams. I just realized yesterday I was a “Dream Catcher in Heels,” when I was presented an award by the Reverend Al Sharpton for my efforts. It was such an honor to even be recognized let alone awarded for the things that I do. So for that, I am grateful.

AC: Nothing seems to be slowing this wife and mother of four down, while she works towards becoming one of the hardest working females in radio! So what can we expect next from Ms. Gossip Viv in the near future?

GV: What can you guys expect next? Well, whatever God places in front of me! I pray I get an opportunity to be on Shade 45 and from there, FM radio. Wherever God takes me, I’m willing to go!

So there you have it – don’t ever be afraid to help yourself, love yourself and build your confidence level up. We are our own worse critics, so take the time out, figure out what you don’t like, and then take the steps to fix it. Chase your dreams until you awake them. Second guessing yourself is not an option. Don’t be afraid, for God gave us the spirit of love, use that love on yourself first!

– Signing off, Aliyah Cherrisse!

About the author

Aliyah Cherrisse

Aliyah Cherrisse, born and raised in Atlantic City, N.J., has grown to be a very educated, vibrant and driven intellectual. As a graduate of Morgan State University, with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Marketing, Aliyah Has put her studies to use in branding herself as the “Multimedia Personality” she is to-date. Currently pursuing her love of entertainment, Aliyah is known for her titles of “Fashion Show Production Assistant, Radio/TV Personality, Curvy/Full-Figured Model, Red Carpet Correspondent, Host and Blogger” but let’s not forget to mention: this is all while being a single mother! With no intentions on slowing down, Aliyah anticipates what God has awaiting ahead for her.

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