
UltraViolet Launches Major Board of Tourism Ad Campaign in Boston in Effort to Raise the Profile of Women’s Issues Ahead of the Midterm Elections

UltraViolet's new campaign reminds voters how elected official’s votes in Congress directly hurt women. In Massachusetts 58 percent of the State’s minimum wage earners are women.

billboardIn a new effort to elevate issues of paycheck fairness, minimum wage increases, and paid family leave as well as expose the ongoing attacks on women’s health and economic security ahead of the 2014 election, UltraViolet – a national women’s advocacy organization – is launching a new campaign targeting residents and voters in Minneapolis, Boston, and throughout New Jersey with basic facts about how elected official’s votes in Congress directly hurt women and reminding voters where their state stands when it comes to the issues that women and their families care about.

In Boston, where the State provides no paid sick leave, or paid family medical leave, and 58 percent of the State’s minimum wage earners are women – UltraViolet members funded a Board of Tourism campaign with ads set to run at the airport, on billboards outside of the airport and on 150 buses throughout the city, exposing how Massachusetts’s women make on average $.79 to every $1 dollar earned by a man in State.  On November 4th, voters in Massachusetts will go to the polls to vote on paid sick days legislation, which has stalled in the last three sessions of the legislature.

The ads, which are scheduled to appear at airports, on billboards outside of airports, and on buses and trains throughout the three States are part of a six figure ad buy, and build on earlier efforts by UltraViolet to raise the provide of women’s issues in other states.

“Across the country, women and their families are waking up and realizing that their legislators are the reason they have raw deal, and more and more, they’re angry.  Women are fed up with policies that leave them earning only .79 cents on the dollar, or leave them without any paid maternity or sick leave to take care of their families and children, all while their elected officials oppose bills in Congress to fix these major inequities,” explained Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet.  “This November, women in Massachusetts will go to the polls knowing who supports their issues, and who stands in their way.”

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