
The Lucky 13 Core Components Of Your Marketing Message

Creating a marketing message that converts to new clients can be done. You have to carefully craft your internal and external messages. Here's how:

If you survey 100 business owners, at least 90 percent of them would say their biggest challenge is marketing and more specifically, creating a marketing message that converts to new clients. It is often challenging to conceptualize the entire being of your company in a message that is going to have the greatest impact on the largest number of your ideal clients while being completely authentic and congruent to who you are and want to be seen as in the market place.

To help in this area, I have broken the marketing message concept down into two distinct components: the internal and the external. The internal marketing message is what you prepare in order to get clear about who you are, the problem you solve, the solution you offer and those you’ve designated to solve problems for. It’s like watching the ropes turn in Double Dutch.  Before you can jump in the rope and jump, you have to perfect your stance, time and rhythm.  Trying to jump in out of beat will throw your entire attempt off and your turn will be over quickly. Getting the right rhythm in your marketing is essential to conveying a message that is equally compelling and action focused, meaning the reader of the message is ready to take action to go to the next level with you.

So let’s break it down:

Your Internal Message includes:

  1. The top of mind problem you solve – the best marketing focuses on a top of mind problem that your Audience of One TM is actively seeking a solution to right now. (An Audience of One TM is one type of person with one distinct problem that you offer one complete and robust solution for via your products and services.)
  2. The results you achieve for your clients – while you may think the steps are important, reality is your prospects only care about the results.
  3. Your credible factors – what makes you the obvious choice to solve this problem? What have you been there, done that and gotten the t-shirt for?
  4. Your USP – Unique Selling Propositions. In layman’s terms, this means how you stand out from the crowd. Hint: assume everyone offers excellent customer service. What else can you – and only you – offer?
  5. Your Why Story – this is why you feel led to do what you do.
  6. Your Signature System – this is your own unique way of solving problems for your clients that yields results every time.

Your External Message includes:

  1. Your Power Statement – a one sentence description of who you help and why, formulated as, “I help X do Y so that Z.”
  2. Your 30 second commercial – a longer description including your USP and motivators. This is shared only when prospects ask to learn more after hearing your power statement or when you have at least 10 minutes to follow up and talk about what you do.
  3. Your tagline – a 7 to 10 word description of what you do that goes on your website and business cards. Hint: it starts with a power/action word.
  4. Your marketing titles/headlines – how you get people to take a second look at your “stuff.” Juicy titles make prospects salivate and trust me, you want them salivating.
  5. Client magnet marketing questions – these are the “lead in” questions that prospects should answer with a “yes.” Use the formula: Pain, Pain, Pain, Glimpse of Hope, Expert Lead In.
  6. Your client magnetic free offer – this is the sample of your work that you offer so prospects get to try you before they buy you. These samples can lead to massive results for your business.
  7. Your marketing materials – these are the collateral materials that you hand out or post for others to learn more about you. When your internal message is succinct, the creation of these materials is very easy.

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into your marketing message to ensure its effectiveness in the market place. However, each one plays a critical part in marketing your business in a way that keeps your client pipeline full. How does your current marketing message stand up? Take this quick quiz. How many of the above can you describe (as it pertains to your business) in one to three sentences?

1 to 4: You need help, NOW!

4 to 7: So-so, now you’re beginning to think like a marketer

8-10: You’re closer to making marketing magic than you think

11-14:  Get excited, you’re ready to create a marketing message that is magnetic!

darnyelle“Business optimization strategist, Darnyelle A. Jervey, is CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, a business consulting and coaching firm that helps entrepreneurs and business owners realize financial and spiritual abundance. Jervey is an award-winning coach, consultant, strategist and a best-selling author with 7 books to her credit, including her latest projects: “Burn the Box: 7 Breakthrough Strategies for Standing Up, Stepping In and Igniting Success” and “Market Like a R.O.C.K. Star.” Jervey may be reached online at

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