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Proven Techniques for Retaining and Engaging Your Remote Employees [Webinar Recording]

It’s hard to run your business all by yourself. Even as a solopreneur, you likely rely on accountants, consultants, interns or other gig workers to stay afloat. What should you do if you want to keep your part-time help – or your full-time team – engaged? Our latest community event, “Creating Connections: The Key to Retaining and Engaging Remote Employees,” has your answers. Host Theresia Intag, founder of IntagHire, shared her experience from over 20 years in HR and recruiting. Attendees walked away with strategies to manage (or start) a thriving remote team, communicate effectively across all generations and build connections even through a screen.

We’d recommend watching the full webinar for more, but here are some bite-sized insights to get you started.

Intag’s advice:

  • Remote work isn’t going away. One-third of workers in the U.S. are remote; 41 percent are in hybrid models. Notably, 42 percent of office workers would take a 10 percent pay cut for a remote work environment. (Saving on office space is a plus, too.)
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s a gig worker or a full-time employee – your job posting and onboarding set the tone, and positive impressions can prevent ghosting.
    • Job postings should be simple and easy to scan. Save the detailed internal job description for new hires to outline expectations.
    • Onboarding should include compliance paperwork, shadowing opportunities, training on tools or processes and weekly check-ins for the first few weeks to prepare new employees for success.
  • Your employees will feel more engaged if you speak their (generational) language.
    • Baby Boomers prefer in-person or phone conversations as a sign of respect.
    • Gen X is okay with one-on-one conversations and emails.
    • Millennials are okay with email, but may prefer texting.
    • Younger generations communicate more casually, so their messages and emails may sound more like texts.
      • Related: They tend to interpret punctuation differently. A “full-stop” period or ellipsis might be read as annoyance or passive-aggression.

Engaging benefits for remote employees

…that won’t break your budget.

  • Quarterly health and wellness days
  • Baby Bucks
  • Company book clubs
  • Charity donation matching
  • Virtual happy hour (or chili night)
  • Pet insurance

– and more! Be sure to watch the full webinar recording for even more ideas to transform your remote work force.

Join our next community event: Lioness Networking and Customer-Centric Success

june lioness networking

Lioness Networking is your monthly opportunity to expand your business network and connect with ambitious women like you. Join us for enriching conversations, invaluable advice, and camaraderie with other female entrepreneurs. Through a series of engaging breakout rooms and guided discussions, we’re here to provide valuable support for founders everywhere.

This month, we’re talking about customer-focused strategies to differentiate your business, attract new customers and foster customer loyalty. Get ready to share your experiences, learn from others, and walk away with actionable insights for your business.

Discussion Topics:

  • How is your business different from your competitors, and how do you communicate that to your customers?
  • What is one effective strategy you’ve used to bring in new customers?
  • How do you gather and use customer feedback?
  • Do you have an effective loyalty or referral program? If not, where would you start?

Ready for more inspiration, meaningful interactions, and actionable strategies? Sign up now!

About the author

Laura Grant

As Managing Editor of Lioness, Laura Grant works with the editorial team and a slew of freelancers and regular contributors to produce a publication that offers equal parts inspiration and information. Laura is a graduate of Western New England University with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a master's degree in Communications. She spent her undergraduate term developing her writing and communication skills through internships, tutoring and student media involvement. Her goal is to publish a novel one day. Before joining Lioness full-time, Laura was a freelancer herself and wrote many stories for the magazine.

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