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New book talks Stocks, Bonds & Soccer Moms

Women these days have been raised to believe they can have it all. And they can – if they can learn to find balance, both inner and outer. But balance is not something we’re usually taught. Many of us don’t even realize that’s what we’re missing, as we rush from one commitment to the next, trying to be Superwoman. Michelle Perry Higgins' new book talks Stocks, Bonds & Soccer Moms.

New book talks Stocks, Bonds & Soccer Moms

Women these days have been raised to believe they can have it all. And they can – if they can learn to find balance, both inner and outer.  But balance is not something we’re usually taught. Many of us don’t even realize that’s what we’re missing, as we rush from one commitment to the next, trying to be Superwoman.

Michelle Perry Higgins had a fabulous marriage, a healthy child, a mega-powered career, and enough stress and imbalance to almost ruin everything. Her own journey to balance inspired the book, Stocks, Bonds & Soccer Moms: 7 Steps to a Balanced Life.

In this Amazon best-seller, Michelle reveals the steps she took to bring herself and her life back into balance. She shows you how sorting out her priorities and letting go of perfectionism improved her marriage, her confidence and self-esteem, her ability to be a giving, attentive parent and partner, and so much more. And she shows you how you can do the same!

Each chapter in the book reveals one of the steps to balance in detail, along with practical tips and suggestions, and clear, heartfelt advice. Readers will learn to:

  • Let go of perfectionism and the “Superwoman” syndrome (Kick that damaging myth to the curb!)
  • Embrace the life-changing secret of “the good enough mother.” (And love your kids even more!)
  • Set boundaries and priorities; ask for and receive help with housework and childcare (Yes! It can be done.)
  • Take time for themselves, why it’s so vital, and how to do it without guilt (Manis and pedis and long-walks-alone-with-your-dog, oh my!)
  • Take control of their financial futures, set clear financial goals (And sleep so much better at night!)
  • Eliminate toxic relationships and replace them with a supportive sisterhood (Right on, sisters!)
  • Pass on the lessons they’re learning to their children (Can you think of a greater gift?)
  • And last but not least, reignite that spark in their marriages (Hallelujah!)

Michelle explains that for busy women with a lot of demands on their time (whether in the home or in the workplace), balance is an ongoing negotiation, not something you find once and keep forever. Each of the seven steps outlined in Stocks, Bonds & Soccer Moms takes time, insight, and commitment. But the results are so worth the journey: A happier, healthier, more confident, more joyful, more supportive you. For more information visit

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