Events Management Networking

Lioness Networking: How Entrepreneurs Discover, Hire and Retain Help

What’s an entrepreneur’s most important resource? It’s not money – it’s their time. Until we invent cloning or time machines, you can’t be everywhere at once. The next best thing is to find a team that’s got your back. At this month’s Lioness Networking, we talked all about strategies for hiring and building your dream team.

Finding qualified candidates 1

Finding support is easier said than done

We kicked off the conversation with introductions and a poll. When it comes to hiring help, entrepreneurs tend to struggle with:

  • Balancing salary/budget
  • Finding qualified candidates
  • Managing their remote/hybrid team
  • Creating a positive company culture
  • Legal challenges

We shared experiences, strategies, tools and questions. From interns to VAs, contractors to full-time employees, attendees had a robust conversation about bringing on the help they need.

Building processes and creating a team

Conversations continued in breakout rooms with small groups entrepreneurs discussed these four questions and much more:

  • What did you name as your biggest challenge, and why?
  • How did you overcome your own challenges with hiring/retention?
  • What made you comfortable bringing someone onto your team? How did you know it was the right time?
  • What’s your secret for keeping remote/hybrid teams connected?

Everyone dug into their experiences working with hybrid teams, the language and time zone barriers they encountered, the time-consuming nature of supervising new team members, strategies for finding interns and paying them, figuring out what kind of help is really needed to grow their business and finding people who connect with the company’s workstyle and vision.

June Lioness Networking

Lioness Networking Zoom Template

Can’t wait to join the next round of Lioness networking? Register now! Our next networking meeting will be on June 4th at noon EDT. Sign up by clicking the button below.

Lioness Entrepreneurship Forum

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The Lioness Entrepreneurship Forum for the female entrepreneur provides networking and information for women founders pre-launch through scale. We’re here to cheer you on and showcase your successes. Lioness is part of the Innovation Women network of companies.

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