What is one of the most memorable experiences you have had with a brand?
What was memorable about it?
How did it make you feel?
Did it have lasting impact on you?
Creating memorable brand experiences can set great brands apart from average and even good brands. Many marketing and business leaders tend to over complicate everything about marketing. Because they over complicate what should be simple, they wind up falling to strategies and tactics that do anything but create what is a memorable and meaningful brand experience.
There’s lots we can learn from strong brands and the music industry is fertile ground for creating and moulding unique, personal brands. Watch this video to glean three simple brand lessons that we can glean from this pop stars meteoric rise to fame that you could apply to dominate your market niche and create raving fans.
CEO, UQ Power and International Company Culture Coach, Heidi Alexandra Pollard says her team are red hot, refreshing renegades, hunting down boring brands, stuck in a sea of sameness and charging them to power up their people, their presence and their profits. Their mission is to help elevate the global playing field for small to mid-sized companies through their unique brand and culture strategies that are easy on the finances, easy to implement and easy to sustain.
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