Social Media

Social Platform, Globally Spotted, Dedicated To Women Entrepreneurs Launches

Tech Startup launches new discovery platform, Globally Spotted, aiming to close the 95 percent media visibility gap faced by women-led enterprises.

First Social Platform Dedicated To Women Entrepreneurs Launches - Lioness MagazineTech Startup launches new discovery platform, Globally Spotted, aiming to close the 95 percent media visibility gap faced by women-led enterprises worldwide.

As part of its overall mission to unlock and invest in women’s economic potential, female-led startup, The Next Billion has launched the world’s first discovery and social amplification platform, Globally Spotted, dedicated to championing more visibility for women-led enterprises worldwide.

Only 5 percent of traditional media news articles about the economy have women as the subject focus, and Globally Spotted, is on a mission to readdress the balance and in doing so hopes to close the visibility gap experienced by women entrepreneurs and their businesses worldwide.

The platform which launched in Beta at the end of Sept with 100 featured women-led companies covering 7 regions globally, aims to grow the number of featured companies to 10,000 by the end of 2017 with the help of its crowdsourced and growing network of Global Spotters comprising of investors, influencers, journalists and members of the public.

The team behind Globally Spotted scours the globe to find and spotlight inspiring companies, – founded and led by women – with innovative, smart and purpose driven business models. In particular, those yet largely undiscovered by mainstream media. Visitors to the platform can pledge their support to amplify female-led businesses and exercise social advocacy by sharing the featured companies on their preferred social networks.

So why does raising more visibility for female-led enterprises matters? As Babou Olengha-Aaby, Founder and CEO of The Next Billion explains, “It’s not only the right time but it’s about time we recognize the invaluable contribution that over 200 million women-owned and led businesses are making daily to our local, national and global economies as well as families and communities. Our vision for Globally Spotted is to be a one-stop global discovery home and destination for anyone looking for or looking to support women-led businesses by raising their profile and enabling them with access to wider network of supporters and broader audience reach.”

By harnessing the exponential power of the Crowd and social media, Globally Spotted has an ambitious goal of enabling 1 Billion social shares or amplifications by 2020, putting the company well on its way to closing the visibility gap for women-led businesses.

Babou adds, “We’re keen to engage and invite everyone – men and women, young and older generations, the Crowd as well as organizations and brands to put the power of their ‘social networth’ to good use and help us raise more visibility for women-led ventures featured on Globally Spotted by simply sharing-it-forward. We want to create a very low barrier of entry for people to contribute and yet we want our amplifiers to encourage more visibility and engagement through proactive sharing rather than just a passive like.”

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