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Launch News Briefs

Falvey Insurance Group to Launch “Women at the Helm” Speaker Series on March 8th

Falvey Insurance Group recently announced a series of quarterly panel discussions entitled “Women at the Helm“. With all female panelists and moderators, the goal of this speaker series is to spotlight female professionals who have made notable contributions to business, those who have balanced career and family, others who have made an impact in the insurance industry and those who have encouraged diversity, equity and inclusion in their organization.

About the speaker series

All moderators will be female employees of Falvey, while the panelists will be invited guests. Each installment will align with a day of observance of women. The event is open to all. The first discussion will take place on International Women’s Day, March 8th. Participating women business leaders include Helena Foulkes, Democratic Candidate for Governor of RI and experienced CEO; Barbara Cottam, Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Affairs and Corporate Responsibility at Citizens Bank; Rachelle Green, Member of Cervenka Green & Ducharme LLC, Rhode Island’s first women-owned business law firm; and Gina Perini, Chair of the Board of Directors and CEO at Somos, Inc. Foulkes will also participate in a 1:1 discussion with the panel moderator who is Falvey’s Corporate Controller, Julie Hencler.

“Women at the Helm” is now open for registration and will take place at Quidnessett Country Club. Registration is complimentary to make this event accessible to all interested attendees. Attendees will have access to a networking reception following the panel discussion. The remaining event dates and respective topics can be found at

Highlighting professional development

Mike Falvey, President and CEO of Falvey Insurance Group explains: “The staff at Falvey Insurance Group is over 50 percent female. Our philosophy has always been to hire people who are simply good at what they do, which has naturally resulted in an even gender split. Supporting female leaders and providing career opportunities to every employee is part of our culture. This helps us build a strong team that’s able to exceed our clients’ expectations and offer unique solutions to the industry.”

“Professional development is another integral component of Falvey’s culture. ‘Women at the Helm’ is just one example of how Falvey strives to educate its employees, and the wider community. Further, the series is meant to empower the women in and outside of The Group in their professional growth, networking and mutual support for the success of all women,” adds Megan Bell, Falvey’s Director of Marketing.

To learn more or register for the first event of the series, please visit For any questions related to “Women at the Helm”, please contact Megan (

About Falvey Insurance Group

Falvey Insurance Group began as a single division, Falvey Cargo Underwriting, opening its first office in 1995 in Wakefield, RI by the company’s founder: Mike Falvey. After 25 years, the company has evolved into Falvey Insurance Group, comprising four divisions: Falvey Cargo Underwriting, Falvey Shippers Insurance, Safe Harbor Pollution Insurance, and Falvey Insurance Services. “The Specialized Insurance Experts” are known for flexibility, World-Class customer service, claims processing excellence, and comprehensive knowledge and expertise that is unparalleled in the insurance industry. Falvey was also named Insurance Insider’s MGA of the Year in 2020.

Good news in time for International Women’s Day—a recent report shows a global increase in growth-oriented female entrepreneurs.

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