blow away
blow away

Blow Away Low Self-Esteem

Whatever skills you may develop through life there are few qualities as important as self-confidence and self-esteem. If you don't value yourself how can you expect others to value you? You are in fact writing an invitation for others to take advantage and abuse your good nature.

Whatever skills you may develop through life there are few qualities as important as self-confidence and self-esteem. The problem is that if you don’t have a measure of self-esteem your confidence will be dented and you will always feel vulnerable. If you don’t value yourself how can you expect others to value you? You are in fact writing an invitation for others to take advantage and abuse your good nature.

Unfortunately, low self-esteem can be difficult to resolve because of the self-perpetuating nature of the process which becomes a cycle of negativity and leads to depression and worse. However, the fact you have been attracted to read this article shows that you must be aware of this and this is a very positive sign. There are certain stages in everyone’s life when they decide enough is enough and start to fight back.

This doesn’t mean having to become something you are not, but it does mean having the courage to make a positive life change, and realising that you have the power to make a new start in life at anytime.

Here is a plan of action which is simple but if you follow it you will make an unbelievable difference to your life:

1. Recognize that whatever has happened to you in the past, that has caused you to devalue yourself, is in the past and no longer exists. There are ways that we can reprogram our minds to speed up this forgetting process and replace the negatives with life-changing positives which I will explain later.

2. Sit in a comfortable chair and relax. With eyes closed, take a deep breath and as you inhale feel a powerful intake of energy. Hold the breath for a count of two and then exhale whilst imagining all the negativities you are holding in your mind being expelled with your breath.

3. Continue breathing in a relaxed and regular way, as you breath in feel the energy going up your body to the top of the head and as you breath out visualize this energy going down to your diaphragm area. Continue this circular, effortless breathing cycle until you feel a warm glow of energy.

4. Remember a time when you were successful at something. This can be when you performed well at your favorite sport, or won a competition or had your first date, just anything from which you can recall how it feels to be successful. Concentrate on this feeling and at the same time touch your thumb and 1st finger together on both hands, resting on your lap. Continue for a count of ten.

5. Gently bring yourself back to your waking state by counting up to five and as you reach five tell yourself you will awaken refreshed, feeling wide awake and better than before. Open your eyes and re-orientate yourself.

6. Whenever you feel the need for extra confidence or have to face a difficult person or situation, take a few deep breaths and touch your thumb and first finger together. In doing this you will recall the powerful feeling of energy during the meditative state you achieved and this will give you an amazing feeling of power and self-confidence.

You can also embed your mind with re-programmed positive behavior patterns whilst achieving a hypnotic state by using binaural beat downloads and self-hypnosis. imagine your mind being totally freed of all the negative baggage you have carried through life and replaced with a positive and powerful attitude. Imagine influencing people and being the person others come to for your opinion and knowledge.

This can be the case, you can be the success you always wanted to be, but if you don’t take action you will still be in the same position in 12 months time. Make sure you do something about it before its too late.

Being an avid follower of many modern self-help authors and experimenting with a variety of self-improvement mind techniques, including meditation and self hypnosis. Tony Manning-Stanley has distilled his knowledge and defined the best Brainwave Entrainment and self-hypnosis scripts and enjoys passing on his knowledge by writing informative articles. You can benefit from this resource at his Lifestyle Security blog and Hypnosis for Self Improvement website.

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