Navjot Gurm is a social service professional, entrepreneur and advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). She founded two organizations and wants to...
Author - Suzanne Drapeau
Suzanne Drapeau taught writing at the high school and college levels for 30 years and recently joined Carlton PR & Marketing. She spends her “free” time working/volunteering for the Hyperemesis Education and Research (HER) Foundation, where her main role is managing social media and building partnerships with other maternal health nonprofits. She lives in Michigan but hopes to become a digital nomad when her children finish their educations.
Stereotypes and biases have long been used to paint a negative picture of women in business. The myths overlook women’s many contributions and successes as...
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Keeping up with the needs of your customers means listening to their pain points, wants and expectations. June’s Lioness Networking conversation focused on...
Center for Positive Organizations booth, 2017 Attending the Positive Business Conference (PBC) was a blast from the past for me. It was hosted by the Center...
So you landed that remote internship you wanted. Congratulations! You’re excited and can’t wait to start, but you have a lot of questions. We asked our intern...
Your accomplishments are clear. Your business grows every day. You’re making money, hiring employees, being asked to speak on your area of expertise and...
Dear Men— At every stage in your career, learn how to create and support diversity and equity. Advocate for women. Change can be slow, but you can be part of...
Being an entrepreneur takes vision, passion and determination. Running a successful business also requires putting effective processes and systems in place...
Lioness Magazine invites you to celebrate International Women’s Day with other women entrepreneurs. It can be challenging for female founders to find time and...