Founded in 2005 and run by 10 employees, Golden Seeds manages a nationwide network of 300 angel investors. Natasha Clark reached out McCarthy to talk funding...
Author - Natasha Zena
Around age eight Natasha Zena was told it was a woman’s job to take care of the home and since then she has built a career out of telling women they can do whatever the hell they want to do. She is the co-founder of Lioness, the go-to news source for everything female entrepreneur. Natasha was recognized as an emerging leader in digital media by The Poynter Institute and the National Association of Black Journalists. She has mentored women entrepreneurs and moderated panels at a number of national accelerators, Startup Weekends and conferences such as The Lean Startup Conference, the Massachusetts Conference for Women, Women Empower Expo and Smart Cities Connect. Natasha is also the author of the popular whitepaper, "How To Close The Gender Gap In Startup Land By 2021." In her spare time, she writes short fiction and hangs out with her son, Shaun.
It takes a special person to love an entrepreneur. This month we're taking a look past our kick-ass women and shining the light on the people who love and know...
Most startups cannot afford a full-time, qualified bookkeeper. In fact, early-stage startups usually tie up a lot of their cash in product development so they...
Since 2005, Golden Seeds’ members – today over 275 strong – along with its venture funds, have invested over $60 million in more than 60 exciting women-led...