Simply Made Local, a new and growing hybrid marketplace for selling hand-crafted products, started with three nurses. Abby Jacobs, Ryan French and Taylor...
Author - Julianne Feher
Julianne Feher is a Creative Writing major at Western New England University. Her two necessities to get her through the day are coffee and remembering everyday is a fresh start with the right mindset. Julianne plans to be a high school English teacher and hopes to pass her love for reading on to as many future generations as possible.
Carey Schuster did not start her college career at Pennsylvania State University with the hopes of becoming the president and CEO of the North American...
LOS ANGELES — When longtime friends Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas became empty-nesters in 2018, they took a field trip to Los Angeles for a little fun and to...
Who would want to be a unicorn, when you could be a zebra? Some people believe it’s time to throw away the mythical idea that unicorns trump zebras. Why...
Ellevate Network CEO Kristy Wallace believes it’s important to invest in women — whether it’s financially or getting behind their careers and overall success. ...
Business attorney Jenny Kassan, cofounder of Crowdfund Mainstreet, hopes crowdfunding trends continue to show regulation progression in 2020.Title III, of the...
AMHERST, Mass. — The second annual HackHer413 Hackathon will take place Feb. 8-9 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst) in the Integrated...