We’ll never have it all figured out. Life is about the journey. But who are we kidding? There are some things a girl should at least know by the time she’s 40. Here are 35 Things Every Woman Should Know Or Have By The Time She Turns 40:
- Don’t ignore your debt. Take practical steps to chip away at it, even if you have to set up a miniscule payment plan. Companies are far more forgiving when you are proactive.
- A woman over 40 should never step out of the house with bare lips. Add a little gloss or a little lipstick or a tinted lip balm. Look like you’ve put in some effort.
- If you’re pressed for time, spritz a little Febreze on your clothes to work out the wrinkles.
- To ice your coffee quickly without watering it down, use one of your water bottle ice sticks.
- Have a reliable mechanic.
- Own a wrench, screwdriver and hammer.
- Have an email address with no numbers or cute monikers in it.
- Learn how to change a tire.
- Keep a pair of flats or flip flops in the trunk of your vehicle at all times.
- Know how to give yourself a decent manicure.
- Always keep an updated resume, bio and headshot.
- These two women should be in your circle: a knowledgeable woman who also works in your industry and an older professional woman who can give you candid advice.
- A rainy day fund with actual money in it.
- Know your local government officials and what seats they hold.
- Enjoy your own company.
- Have a go-to hairstyle and outfit that makes you feel like a lioness.
- Know your public event drink limit.
- A portfolio of your best work (should include successful projects, press clippings, thank you letters and accolades).
- A close friend or relative you can use your ugly cry face with.
- How to get your point across without being nasty.
- Know when to laugh certain situations off and when to stand your ground.
- Master the art of self-reflection.
- At least one dish you can cook really well.
- One album that you love and can play from start to finish without skipping a song.
- How to openly and respectfully communicate with your significant other.
- Regularly examine your breasts to know how they normally feel so you can immediately spot any changes.
- Know the difference between Michelle Williams (singer formerly of the hit group Destiny’s Child) and Michelle Williams (actress who once starred with late lover Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain).
- How to hit the dance floor when it’s empty.
- Being able to navigate the streets of your city like the back of your hand.
- Create ethical standards and personal goals for your life and pursue them unapologetically.
- Treat yourself to one quality piece of jewelry.
- What it’s like to be kissed so thoroughly your knees shake.
- How to ask for a raise.
- The difference between top-shelf alcohol and the cheap stuff.
- Where you want to be in the next five years and how you plan on getting there.
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