As business owners we know that we are always chasing our tails, so to speak, always in pursuit of getting paid and landing our next gig.
Tag - Rachel Rojas
"I'm not as smart as these people," and other ugly things Imposter Syndrome has me thinking at the wrong times.
Stay at home mothers (SAHMs) are starting unique businesses that allow them to be with their children and partake in entrepreneurship. Rachel chats with her...
Rachel has decided to become an entrepreneur. Now the million dollar question is what kind of business should she start. This week she gains some clarity.
Thought leaders headed to MassMutual in Springfield, Massachusetts to headline talks at TedxSpringfield. Go inside to discover their poignant discussions on...
For her third business venture, Tran founded Chic Meets Geek, which began during her tenure on the board of directors for the San Francisco Opera.
Millennial networking has brought a sense of fun to business introductions. Here are the top six things we learned networking with them at Hustle Summit.
Companies And Millennials Will Make The Employment Match Of Their Dreams At The Hustle Summit In NYC
The Hustle Summit is for college students and young professionals who have a history of getting shit done. This will not be your mother’s networking event.
Fifty-five percent of mothers between the ages of 30 and 55 who make under $60,000 report high or overwhelming financial stress.